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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, G, I, 2L, N, S and Y

BELLYACHINGSbellyachings n. Plural of bellyaching.
belly-achings n. Plural of belly-aching.
BELLYACHING n. the act of complaining.
DESOLATINGLYdesolatingly adv. So as to cause desolation.
DESOLATING adv. DESOLATE, to lay waste.
GALLYGASKINSgallygaskins n. Alternative form of galligaskins.
GALLYGASKINS n. wide hose or breeches worn in the 16th century, also GALLIGASKINS, GASKINS.
GELATINOUSLYgelatinously adv. In a gelatinous manner.
GELATINOUS adv. of a slimy, clear sticky nature, water soluble, like gelatine.
GEOSYNCLINALgeosynclinal adj. (Geology) Of the Earth’s crust, bending downward or subsiding and permitting the gradual accumulation of sediment.
geosynclinal n. (Geology) The downward bend or subsidence of the Earth’s crust, which permits the gradual accumulation…
GEOSYNCLINAL adj. of or like a geosyncline.
MISLEADINGLYmisleadingly adv. In a misleading manner.
MISLEADING adv. MISLEAD, to lead astray.
OLEAGINOUSLYoleaginously adv. In an oleaginous manner.
OLEAGINOUS adv. resembling or having the properties of oil.
ORGANISMALLYORGANISMAL adv. relating to an organism, also ORGANISMIC.
PALYNOLOGIESPALYNOLOGY n. the scientific study of spores and pollen.
PALYNOLOGISTpalynologist n. One who studies palynology (pollen, spores, and other particulate organic matter).
PALYNOLOGIST n. a student of palynology.
PARALYSINGLYparalysingly adv. Alternative spelling of paralyzingly.
PARALYSING adv. PARALYSE, to render incapable of movement, also PARALYZE.
PLASMOLYSINGplasmolysing v. Present participle of plasmolyse.
PLASMOLYSE v. to undergo plasmolysis, the removal of water from a cell by osmosis, also PLASMOLYZE.
PLASMOLYZINGplasmolyzing v. Present participle of plasmolyze.
PLASMOLYZE v. to undergo plasmolysis, the removal of water from a cell by osmosis, also PLASMOLYSE.
PLATELAYINGSPLATELAYING n. the laying of rails for a railway.
SALICYLATINGsalicylating v. Present participle of salicylate.
SALICYLATE v. to treat with salicylic acid.
SCRAMBLINGLYscramblingly adv. With a scrambling motion.
STRAGGLINGLYstragglingly adv. In a straggling way.
STRAGGLING adv. wandering from the main group or course.
SYLLABIFYINGsyllabifying v. Present participle of syllabify.
SYLLABIFY v. to divide into syllables.
SYNERGICALLYsynergically adv. In a synergic manner.
synergically adv. With regard to synergy.
SYNERGIC adv. relating to synergy.
UNPLEASINGLYunpleasingly adv. In an unpleasing manner.
UNPLEASING adv. not pleasing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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