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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, G, 2I, N, 2P and S

APPETISINGLYappetisingly adv. Alternative spelling of appetizingly.
APPETISING adv. APPETISE, to whet the appetite, also APPETIZE.
APPLERINGIESAPPLERINGIE n. (Scots) an aromatic shrub, southernwood.
APPRAISINGLYappraisingly adv. In an appraising way.
APPRAISING adv. APPRAISE, to set a value on.
DISAPPEARINGdisappearing v. Present participle of disappear.
disappearing n. Disappearance.
DISAPPEAR v. to vanish from sight.
DISAPPROVINGdisapproving v. Present participle of disapprove.
DISAPPROVING adj. passing unfavorable judgment on.
DISPAUPERINGdispaupering v. Present participle of dispauper.
DISPAUPER v. to deprive of the claim of a pauper to public support.
EPISCOPATINGepiscopating v. Present participle of episcopate.
EPISCOPATE v. to act as a bishop.
GALLINIPPERSgallinippers n. Plural of gallinipper.
GALLINIPPER n. a large mosquito capable of inflicting painful bite.
MISHAPPENINGmishappening v. Present participle of mishappen.
mishappening n. An unfortunate incident.
MISHAPPEN v. (Spenser) to happen ill or unluckily.
PERIPHRASINGperiphrasing v. Present participle of periphrase.
PERIPHRASE v. to use more words than are necessary to express an idea.
PERSPIRATINGperspirating v. Present participle of perspirate.
PERSPIRATE v. to sweat.
POPULARISINGpopularising v. Present participle of popularise.
POPULARISE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARIZE.
REAPPRAISINGreappraising v. Present participle of reappraise.
REAPPRAISE v. to appraise again.
SHIPLAPPINGSSHIPLAPPING n. the overlapping of planks on a ship.
SUPPLICATINGsupplicating v. Present participle of supplicate.
SUPPLICATE v. to entreat for.
TAILHOPPINGSTAILHOPPING n. the act of hopping to lift the tails of the skis off the ground while flexing the knees into a crouching position.
TRANSHIPPINGtranshipping v. Present participle of tranship.
transhipping n. Alternative form of transshipping.
TRANSHIPPING n. transfer from one ship to another.
UNAPPETISINGunappetising adj. (Chiefly Britain) Alternative spelling of unappetizing.
UNAPPETISING adj. not appetising.
WIRETAPPINGSwiretappings n. Plural of wiretapping.
WIRETAPPING n. the act of tapping a phone wire so as to listen in to conversations.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 12 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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