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There are 19 words containing A, F, I, 3N, S and T

ANTENNIFEROUSantenniferous adj. (Zoology) Bearing or having antennae.
ANTENNIFEROUS adj. bearing antennae.
CONFRONTATIONSconfrontations n. Plural of confrontation.
CONFRONTATION n. the act of confronting.
ENFRANCHISEMENTenfranchisement n. The act of enfranchising.
enfranchisement n. A release from slavery.
enfranchisement n. The investiture with any of several municipal privileges.
FONCTIONNAIRESFONCTIONNAIRE n. (French) a civil servant.
INFANTILISATIONinfantilisation n. (Chiefly Britain) Alternative spelling of infantilization.
INFANTILISATION n. the act of infantilising, also INFANTILIZATION.
INFANTILISINGinfantilising v. Present participle of infantilise.
INFANTILISE v. to render infantile, also INFANTILIZE.
INFOTAINMENTSinfotainments n. Plural of infotainment.
INFOTAINMENT n. television programming that presents information (such as news) in a way that is meant to be entertaining.
INSIGNIFICANTinsignificant adj. Not significant; not important, inconsequential, or having no noticeable effect.
insignificant adj. Without meaning; not signifying anything.
INSIGNIFICANT adj. not significant.
INSIGNIFICANTLYinsignificantly adv. In an insignificant manner, or to a degree that does not matter.
INSIGNIFICANT adv. not significant.
INTENSIFICATIONintensification n. The act or process of intensifying, or of making more intense.
INTENSIFICATION n. the act of intensifying.
MALFUNCTIONINGSmalfunctionings n. Plural of malfunctioning.
MALFUNCTIONING n. an instance of functioning imperfectly or badly.
NONFILAMENTOUSnonfilamentous adj. Not filamentous.
NONFILAMENTOUS adj. not filamentous.
NONINFORMATIONSNONINFORMATION n. something that is not information.
NONSIGNIFICANTnonsignificant adj. (Sciences) Lacking statistical significance.
NONSIGNIFICANT n. (in cryptography) a symbol or sign without meaning.
NONSIGNIFICANTSNONSIGNIFICANT n. (in cryptography) a symbol or sign without meaning.
UNDERINFLATIONSUNDERINFLATION n. the state of being insufficiently inflated.
UNFASTENINGunfastening v. Present participle of unfasten.
UNFASTEN v. to release from a fastening.
UNSANCTIFYINGunsanctifying v. Present participle of unsanctify.
unsanctifying adj. That does not sanctify.
UNSANCTIFY v. to remove the sanctity from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 671 words
  • Scrabble in French: 334 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 34 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 56 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 11 words

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