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There are 12 words containing A, F, 2I, P, 2R and U

PURIFICATORpurificator n. One who, or that which, purifies; a purifier.
purificator n. (Christianity) The napkin used to wipe the lip of the chalice during Holy Communion.
PURIFICATOR n. a cloth used to wipe the Eucharist chalice.
PURIFICATORSpurificators n. Plural of purificator.
PURIFICATOR n. a cloth used to wipe the Eucharist chalice.
PURIFICATORYpurificatory adj. That purifies; purificative.
PURIFICATORY adj. serving to purify, also PURIFICATIVE.
PREFIGURATINGprefigurating v. Present participle of prefigurate.
PREFIGURATE v. to prefigure.
PREFIGURATIONprefiguration n. A vague representation or suggestion of something before it has happened or been accomplished.
prefiguration n. Something that prefigures.
PREFIGURATION n. the act of prefiguring.
PREFIGURATIVEprefigurative adj. Showing by prefiguration.
PREFIGURATIVE adj. relating to prefiguration.
INFOPRENEURIALinfopreneurial adj. Of or pertaining to an infopreneur or his/her skills.
INFOPRENEURIAL adj. of or relating to the industry concerned with the development, manufacture and sale of esp. computerized or electronic equipment for the distribution of information.
PARTURIFACIENTparturifacient n. (Medicine) A medicine tending to cause parturition, or to give relief in childbirth.
PARTURIFACIENT n. an oxytocic drug or agent, used to accelerate childbirth by stimulating uterine contractions.
PREFIGURATIONSprefigurations n. Plural of prefiguration.
PREFIGURATION n. the act of prefiguring.
PARTURIFACIENTSparturifacients n. Plural of parturifacient.
PARTURIFACIENT n. an oxytocic drug or agent, used to accelerate childbirth by stimulating uterine contractions.
PREFIGURATIVELYprefiguratively adv. In a prefigurative manner.
PREFIGURATIVE adv. relating to prefiguration.
TRIFLUOPERAZINEtrifluoperazine n. An antipsychotic drug of the phenothiazine group.
TRIFLUOPERAZINE n. a tranquilizer chiefly used to treat psychotic conditions and esp. schizophrenia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 216 words
  • Scrabble in French: 50 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 78 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 44 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 215 words

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