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There are 19 words containing A, F, G, L, M, N, O and R

ANGUILLIFORManguilliform n. Any eel of the order Anguilliformes.
anguilliform adj. Shaped like an eel.
anguilliform adj. Swimming in the manner of an eel.
DEFORMALIZINGdeformalizing v. Present participle of deformalize.
DEFORMALIZE v. to make less formal, also DEFORMALISE.
FLAMEPROOFINGflameproofing v. Present participle of flameproof.
FLAMEPROOF v. to make resistant to damage or burning on contact with flame.
FORMALISINGformalising v. Present participle of formalise.
FORMALISE v. to make formal, also FORMALIZE.
FORMALIZINGformalizing v. Present participle of formalize.
FORMALIZE v. to make formal, also FORMALISE.
FORMULARISINGformularising v. Present participle of formularise.
FORMULARISE v. to state in or reduce to a formula, also FORMULARIZE.
FORMULARIZINGformularizing v. Present participle of formularize.
FORMULARIZE v. to state in or reduce to a formula, also FORMULARISE.
FORMULATINGformulating v. Present participle of formulate.
FORMULATE v. to state or express in a clear definite form.
FRANKALMOIGNfrankalmoign n. (UK, historical) A form of land tenure in return for religious duty or service.
FRANKALMOIGN n. land tenure requiring religious obligations on part of tenant.
FRANKALMOIGNSFRANKALMOIGN n. land tenure requiring religious obligations on part of tenant.
GANGLIFORMgangliform adj. (Anatomy) Having the form of a ganglion.
GANGLIFORM adj. in the form of a ganglion, a nerve centre, a tumour in a tendon sheath.
GLANDIFORMglandiform adj. (Anatomy) Shaped like, resembling, or characteristic of glands.
GLANDIFORM adj. gland-shaped; acorn-shaped.
GRANULIFORMgranuliform adj. (Mineralogy) Having a granular structure.
GRANULIFORM adj. having the form of a granule.
LAGENIFORMlageniform adj. Shaped like a flask.
LAGENIFORM adj. shaped like a flask.
PLATFORMINGplatforming n. (Video games) The video game activity of jumping from one platform to another.
platforming n. (Rail transport) The platforms at a railway station.
platforming v. Present participle of platform.
PLATFORMINGSPLATFORMING n. a process for reforming petroleum using a platinum catalyst.
PREFORMULATINGpreformulating v. Present participle of preformulate.
PREFORMULATE v. to formulate in advance.
REFORMULATINGreformulating v. Present participle of reformulate.
REFORMULATE v. to formulate again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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