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There are 15 words containing A, 2F, 2I, O, S and U

DIFFUSIONALdiffusional adj. Of or pertaining to diffusion.
DIFFUSIONAL adj. relating to diffusion.
EFFICACIOUSefficacious adj. (Formal) Effective; possessing efficacy.
EFFICACIOUS adj. having the power to produce a desired effect.
EFFICACIOUSLYefficaciously adv. In an efficacious manner.
EFFICACIOUS adv. having the power to produce a desired effect.
EFFICACIOUSNESSefficaciousness n. Quality of being efficacious.
EFFICACIOUS n. having the power to produce a desired effect.
EFFIGURATIONSEFFIGURATION n. an elaborate, detailed description of an object or an event.
FORAMINIFEROUSforaminiferous adj. Having small openings, or foramina.
foraminiferous adj. Pertaining to, or composed of, Foraminifera.
FORAMINIFEROUS adj. bearing foramina.
FRUCTIFICATIONSfructifications n. Plural of fructification.
FRUCTIFICATION n. the reproductive organs or fruit of a plant.
INEFFICACIOUSinefficacious adj. Incapable of having the intended consequence.
inefficacious adj. Not effective.
INEFFICACIOUS adj. lacking the power to produce a desired effect.
INEFFICACIOUSLYinefficaciously adv. Without efficacy or effect.
INEFFICACIOUS adv. lacking the power to produce a desired effect.
INSUFFLATIONinsufflation n. The action of breathing or blowing into or on.
insufflation n. The result of breathing or blowing into or on.
insufflation n. The ritual breathing onto the water used for baptism.
INSUFFLATIONSinsufflations n. Plural of insufflation.
INSUFFLATION n. the act of breathing into or upon.
SUFFIXATIONsuffixation n. The process of adding a suffix to a word.
SUFFIXATION n. the act of creating a suffix.
SUFFIXATIONSsuffixations n. Plural of suffixation.
SUFFIXATION n. the act of creating a suffix.
SUFFUMIGATIONsuffumigation n. The burning of substances to produce fumes as part of some magical rituals.
SUFFUMIGATION n. fumigation from below.
SUFFUMIGATIONSsuffumigations n. Plural of suffumigation.
SUFFUMIGATION n. fumigation from below.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 142 words
  • Scrabble in French: 96 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 97 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 11 words

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