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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing A, F, 2I, L, R, S and U

ALUMINIFEROUSaluminiferous adj. Containing, or yielding aluminium or its ore or alum.
ALUMINIFEROUS adj. bearing aluminum.
ARGILLIFEROUSargilliferous adj. (Geology) Producing clay; rich in argil.
ARGILLIFEROUS adj. containing or yielding clay.
DISQUALIFIERSdisqualifiers n. Plural of disqualifier.
DISQUALIFIER n. one who disqualifies.
FISSIPAROUSLYfissiparously adv. In a fissiparous manner.
FISSIPAROUS adv. producing new biological units or individuals by fission, as with most strains of bacteria.
FLIRTATIOUSLYflirtatiously adv. In a flirtatious manner.
FLIRTATIOUS adv. given to flirting.
FLUORIDATIONSfluoridations n. Plural of fluoridation.
FLUORIDATION n. the act of fluoridating.
FLUORINATIONSfluorinations n. Plural of fluorination.
FLUORINATION n. the act of fluorinating.
FORMULARISINGformularising v. Present participle of formularise.
FORMULARISE v. to state in or reduce to a formula, also FORMULARIZE.
FORMULARISTICformularistic adj. Pertaining to, or exhibiting, formularization.
FORMULARISTIC adj. of or like a formula.
FUTILITARIANSfutilitarians n. Plural of futilitarian.
FUTILITARIAN n. one who believes that human striving is futile.
GALLIMAUFRIESgallimaufries n. Plural of gallimaufry.
GALLIMAUFRY n. (French) a hash of liver and other organs; a hotchpotch.
OMNIFARIOUSLYomnifariously adv. In an omnifarious manner.
OMNIFARIOUS adv. of all kinds.
PAPILLIFEROUSpapilliferous adj. Furnished or covered with papillae.
PAPILLIFEROUS adj. bearing papillae.
PLATINIFEROUSplatiniferous adj. Yielding, or containing platinum.
PLATINIFEROUS adj. bearing platinum.
QUALIFICATORSqualificators n. Plural of qualificator.
QUALIFICATOR n. one who prepares ecclesiastical cases for trial.
SULFURIZATIONsulfurization n. Treatment or impregnation with sulfur.
SULFURIZATION n. the process of treating with sulfur, also SULFURISATION.
SUPERFAMILIESsuperfamilies n. Plural of superfamily.
SUPERFAMILY n. a category of biological classification ranking below an order and above a family.
SUPERFICIALLYsuperficially adv. In a superficial manner; shallowly.
SUPERFICIAL adv. on the surface.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 85 words
  • Scrabble in French: 70 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 51 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 32 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 178 words

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