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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, F, L, N, O, S, T and U

FANTABULOUSfantabulous adj. (Slang) Wonderful, marvelous, outstanding. Both fantastic and fabulous.
FANTABULOUS adj. (slang) marvellously excellent.
FILAMENTOUSfilamentous adj. Having the form of threads or filaments; filamented.
FILAMENTOUS adj. threadlike; of some bacteria, viruses, etc., having long strands of similar cells.
FLOCCULANTSflocculants n. Plural of flocculant.
FLOCCULANT n. a flocculant mass.
FLUORINATESfluorinates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fluorinate.
FLUORINATE v. to introduce fluorine into a chemical compound.
FLUSTRATIONflustration n. (Colloquial) The act of flustrating; confusion; flurry.
FLUSTRATION n. (obsolete) flustering.
FULMINATORSfulminators n. Plural of fulminator.
FULMINATOR n. one who fulminates.
FUNCTIONALSfunctionals n. Plural of functional.
FUNCTIONAL n. something that serves a function.
FUSILLATIONfusillation n. (Archaic) An execution by shooting.
FUSILLATION n. (obsolete) death by shooting.
INSUFFLATORinsufflator n. Agent noun of insufflate: a person or device which insufflates.
insufflator n. A form of injector for forcing air into a furnace.
INSUFFLATOR n. one who insufflates.
LATIFUNDIOSLATIFUNDIO n. (Latin) a great landed estate, also LATIFONDO, LATIFUNDIUM.
OUTFLASHINGoutflashing v. Present participle of outflash.
OUTFLASH v. to flash more brightly.
PUFTALOONASPUFTALOON n. (Australian) a type of fried cake, eaten hot with jam, honey or sugar, also PUFFTALOONAS, PUFTALOONIES.
SUFFLATIONSsufflations n. Plural of sufflation.
SUFFLATION n. (archaic) the act of blowing up or inflating.
SULFONATINGsulfonating v. Present participle of sulfonate.
SULFONATE v. to convert into sulphonic acid, also SULPHONATE.
SULFONATIONsulfonation n. (Chemistry) The replacement of a hydrogen atom of an organic compound with a sulfonic acid (-SO3H) functional…
SULFONATION n. the act of sulfonating.
SULFURATIONsulfuration n. (Chemistry) reaction with sulfur.
SULFURATION n. the process of treating with sulfur, also SULPHURATION.
TEASPOONFULteaspoonful n. A unit of capacity equal to the amount a teaspoon can hold which is taken approximately as 5 ml.
TEASPOONFUL n. the contents of a teaspoon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 11 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 18 words

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