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There are 14 words containing A, E, 3R and 3T

ANTITERRORISTantiterrorist adj. Preventing or counteracting terrorism, or reducing the threat from terrorism.
antiterrorist n. One who opposes terrorism.
ANTITERRORIST n. one opposed to terrorism.
ANTITERRORISTSantiterrorists n. Plural of antiterrorist.
ANTITERRORIST n. one opposed to terrorism.
COUNTERIRRITANTcounterirritant n. (Pharmacology) Any substance used to cause inflammation in one part of the body with the goal of lessening…
COUNTERIRRITANT n. an agent applied locally to produce superficial inflammation with the object of reducing inflammation in deeper adjacent structures.
DEXTROROTATORYdextrorotatory adj. (Chemistry, of an optically active compound or crystal) That rotates the plane of polarized light to…
DEXTROROTATORY adj. turning to the right, esp. turning plane of polarized light, also DEXTROROTARY.
INTERFRATERNITYinterfraternity adj. Between fraternities.
INTERFRATERNITY n. between fraternities.
PYROTARTRATEpyrotartrate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of pyrotartaric acid.
PYROTARTRATE n. a salt of tartaric acid.
PYROTARTRATESpyrotartrates n. Plural of pyrotartrate.
PYROTARTRATE n. a salt of tartaric acid.
TERRITORIALISTterritorialist n. Someone who supports territorialism.
TERRITORIALIST n. a supporter of territorialism.
TERRITORIALISTSterritorialists n. Plural of territorialist.
TERRITORIALIST n. a supporter of territorialism.
TERRITORIALITYterritoriality n. The fact or legal status of being a territory.
territoriality n. (Zoology) The pattern of behaviour in animals that defines and defends a territory.
territoriality n. A pattern of human behaviour characterised by defence of a particular territory or area of interest.
TRANSLITERATORtransliterator n. One who transliterates.
TRANSLITERATOR n. one who transliterates.
TRANSLITERATORStransliterators n. Plural of transliterator.
TRANSLITERATOR n. one who transliterates.
ULTRASTRUCTUREultrastructure n. (Biology) The fine, detailed structure of a biological specimen that can only be observed by electron microscopy.
ULTRASTRUCTURE n. biological structure and esp. fine structure, as of a cell, not visible through an ordinary microscope.
ULTRASTRUCTURESultrastructures n. Plural of ultrastructure.
ULTRASTRUCTURE n. biological structure and esp. fine structure, as of a cell, not visible through an ordinary microscope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 740 words
  • Scrabble in French: 183 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 410 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 131 words

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