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There are 17 words containing A, E, 2N, 3R and U

BARNBURNERbarnburner n. (Idiomatic) An extremely exciting or successful event or person.
barnburner n. One who burns down a barn.
barnburner n. (Slang, chiefly Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, Maryland) a strike-anywhere match.
RACERUNNERracerunner n. Any of a group of lizards, of the family Teiidae, native to the Americas.
ROADRUNNERroadrunner n. Either of two species of fast-running bird in the genus Geococcyx of the cuckoo family native to North…
ROADRUNNER n. a bird of the turkey family, aka the chaparral cock.
BARNBURNERSbarnburners n. Plural of barnburner.
Barnburners n. Plural of Barnburner.
barn␣burners n. Plural of barn burner.
RACERUNNERSracerunners n. Plural of racerunner.
ROADRUNNERSroadrunners n. Plural of roadrunner.
ROADRUNNER n. a bird of the turkey family, aka the chaparral cock.
INTRAPRENEURintrapreneur n. (Business, management) A person employed to work independently within a company in order to introduce…
INTRAPRENEUR n. a company employee who is not bound by rules or policies and who is free to refine products.
TRANSCURRENTtranscurrent adj. Passing transversely.
transcurrent adj. (Geology) Pertaining to a fault caused by horizontal displacement.
TRANSCURRENT adj. running across, transverse.
INTERGRANULARintergranular adj. (Metallurgy) Occurring along the boundaries between the crystals or grains of a metal.
INTERGRANULAR adj. between granules.
INTRAPRENEURSintrapreneurs n. Plural of intrapreneur.
INTRAPRENEUR n. a company employee who is not bound by rules or policies and who is free to refine products.
SUPERTERRANEANsuperterranean adj. Synonym of aboveground.
SUPERTERRANEAN adj. above or on surface of earth.
COUNTERIRRITANTcounterirritant n. (Pharmacology) Any substance used to cause inflammation in one part of the body with the goal of lessening…
COUNTERIRRITANT n. an agent applied locally to produce superficial inflammation with the object of reducing inflammation in deeper adjacent structures.
ENTREPRENEURIALentrepreneurial adj. Having the spirit, attitude or qualities of an entrepreneur; enterprising.
ENTREPRENEURIAL adj. of or like an entrepreneur.
INSURRECTIONARYinsurrectionary adj. Pertaining to, or characterized by, insurrection.
insurrectionary n. One who takes part in insurrection.
INSURRECTIONARY adj. relating to insurrection.
INTRAPRENEURIALintrapreneurial adj. Entrepreneurial within an existing business; describing entrepreneurship within an existing business.
INTRAPRENEURIAL adj. of or like an intrapreneur, a company employee who is not bound by rules or policies and who is free to refine products.
UNEXTRAORDINARYunextraordinary adj. Not extraordinary; mundane, ordinary.
UNEXTRAORDINARY adj. not extraordinary.
UNTRANSFERRABLEuntransferrable adj. Alternative spelling of untransferable.
UNTRANSFERRABLE adj. not transferrable, also UNTRANSFERABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 556 words
  • Scrabble in French: 116 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 259 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 146 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 49 words

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