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There are 18 words containing A, E, M, O, 2T, U and Y

ACTINOMYCETOUSactinomycetous adj. Of or relating to actinomycetes.
ACTINOMYCETOUS adj. of or like an actinomycete, a filamentous microorganism like both bacteria and fungi.
AYUNTAMIENTOayuntamiento n. A corporation or body of magistrates in cities and towns in Spain, corresponding to mayor and aldermen.
AYUNTAMIENTO n. (Spanish) a municipal council.
AYUNTAMIENTOSayuntamientos n. Plural of ayuntamiento.
AYUNTAMIENTO n. (Spanish) a municipal council.
CHEMOAUTOTROPHYchemoautotrophy n. (Biology) A mode of growth in which CO2 is the exclusive source of assimilated carbon, and energy is…
CHEMOAUTOTROPHY n. the production of energy by the oxidation of inorganic compounds, such as iron, ammonia and hydrogen sulphide.
COMMUTATIVELYcommutatively adv. In a commutative manner.
COMMUTATIVE adv. of, relating to, or showing commutation.
ERYTHEMATOUSerythematous adj. Of or pertaining to erythema#Noun.
ERYTHEMATOUS adj. showing erythema, redness of the skin.
IMPORTUNATELYimportunately adv. In an importunate manner; with persistent or urgent solicitation.
IMPORTUNATE adv. stubbornly or unreasonably persistent.
METROSEXUALITYmetrosexuality n. The quality of being metrosexual.
MONUMENTALITYmonumentality n. The quality or state of being monumental.
MONUMENTALITY n. the state of being monumental.
MOUTHWATERINGLYmouthwateringly adv. In a mouthwatering manner.
mouth-wateringly adv. In a mouth-watering manner.
MOUTHWATERING adv. arousing the appetite.
MYCETOMATOUSmycetomatous adj. Relating to a mycetoma.
MYCETOMATOUS adj. of or like mycetoma, a chronic fungus infection.
OVERMATURITYovermaturity n. The quality of being overmature.
OVERMATURITY n. excessive maturity.
PNEUMATOLYTICpneumatolytic adj. (Geology) Relating to pneumatolysis.
PNEUMATOLYTIC adj. relating to pneumatolysis, the destructive action of the hot vapours of magma on igneous rock.
PNEUMATOMETRYpneumatometry n. Spirometry.
PNEUMATOMETRY n. the measurement of the pressure exerted by air being inhaled or exhaled during a single breath.
PSEUDOMUTUALITYPSEUDOMUTUALITY n. a relationship between two persons in which conflict of views or opinions is solved by simply ignoring it.
TAUTONYMIEStautonymies n. Plural of tautonymy.
TAUTONYMY n. the practice of using a specific name the same as the generic name.
TETRADYNAMOUStetradynamous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the order Tetradynamia; having six stamens, four of which are uniformly longer than the others.
TETRADYNAMOUS adj. having six stamens, two shorter than the other four.
THAUMATOGENYthaumatogeny n. (Rare) The origination of life by a miracle rather than by natural law.
THAUMATOGENY n. the doctrine of the miraculous origin of life.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 710 words
  • Scrabble in French: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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