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There are 20 words containing A, E, M, O, 2P, T and U

MOUSETRAPPEDmousetrapped v. Simple past tense and past participle of mousetrap.
MOUSETRAP v. to catch in a mousetrap.
PROMPTUARIESpromptuaries n. Plural of promptuary.
PROMPTUARY n. a repository; a reference book of facts.
MOUSETRAPPINGmousetrapping v. Present participle of mousetrap.
MOUSETRAPPING n. a range of techniques employed to stop users leaving a website.
PNEUMATOPHOREpneumatophore n. (Zoology) A gas-filled sac or float of some colonial marine coelenterates, such as the Portuguese man-of-war.
pneumatophore n. (Botany) An aerial root, in mangroves etc., specialized for gaseous exchange.
pneumatophore n. An apparatus consisting of a bag with a tube and mouthpiece, which may be attached to the body. The…
POSTMENOPAUSEpostmenopause n. The period in which menopause no longer occurs; often defined as the first full year in which no menstruation occurs.
SUPERDIPLOMATsuperdiplomat n. A very skilled or successful diplomat (government representative).
SUPERDIPLOMAT n. an exceptional diplomat.
SUPRATEMPORALsupratemporal adj. (Anatomy) Above the temporal lobe.
supratemporal adj. (Philosophy) That transcends time.
supratemporal n. (Anatomy) A supratemporal bone.
COMPUTERPHOBIAcomputerphobia n. Fear or irrational dislike of computers; cyberphobia.
COMPUTERPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of computers.
HIPPOPOTAMUSEShippopotamuses n. Plural of hippopotamus.
HIPPOPOTAMUS n. a large African artiodactyl ungulate of aquatic habits.
MERCAPTOPURINEmercaptopurine n. (Pharmacology) An thiol antimetabolite C5H4N4S that interferes especially with the metabolism of purine…
MERCAPTOPURINE n. an antimetabolite sometimes used in the treatment of acute leukemia.
MOUSETRAPPINGSMOUSETRAPPING n. a range of techniques employed to stop users leaving a website.
PNEUMATOPHORESpneumatophores n. Plural of pneumatophore.
PNEUMATOPHORE n. an upward-growing respiratory root in swamp plants.
POSTMENOPAUSALpostmenopausal adj. (Of a symptom or condition) Subsequent to the menopause.
postmenopausal adj. (Of a person) Having experienced menopause.
POSTMENOPAUSAL adj. taking place after the menopause.
SUPERDIPLOMATSsuperdiplomats n. Plural of superdiplomat.
SUPERDIPLOMAT n. an exceptional diplomat.
SUPERIMPORTANTsuperimportant adj. Very important.
SUPERIMPORTANT adj. having a very high degree of importance.
CARPOMETACARPUScarpometacarpus n. (Anatomy) The fusion of digits (carpals and metacarpals) that forms the wing in birds.
CARPOMETACARPUS n. in birds, a bone of the wing formed by fusion of some of the carpals with the metacarpals.
COMPUTERPHOBIAScomputerphobias n. Plural of computerphobia.
COMPUTERPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of computers.
MERCAPTOPURINESmercaptopurines n. Plural of mercaptopurine.
MERCAPTOPURINE n. an antimetabolite sometimes used in the treatment of acute leukemia.
SUPERPATRIOTISMsuperpatriotism n. Extreme patriotism.
SUPERPATRIOTISM n. extreme patriotism.
SUPPLEMENTATIONsupplementation n. The act of supplementing.
supplementation n. Something added as a supplement.
SUPPLEMENTATION n. the act of supplementing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 573 words
  • Scrabble in French: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 33 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 68 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 51 words

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