EXTRAMURAL | • extramural adj. Taking place outside the walls of an institution, especially a school or university. • extramural adj. Describing teaching of students who are not resident at such an institution. • EXTRAMURAL adj. outside the walls or fortifications; outside, but under the aegis of e.g. a university. |
METROSEXUAL | • metrosexual n. A man — typically urban, heterosexual, and affluent — who is concerned with personal appearance, such… • metrosexual n. A heterosexual man who is seen, sociologically, as having attributes common to homosexuals. • metrosexual adj. Of or relating to a metrosexual or the metrosexual lifestyle. |
EXTRAMURALLY | • extramurally adv. In an extramural manner. • EXTRAMURAL adv. outside the walls or fortifications; outside, but under the aegis of e.g. a university. |
EXTRAMUSICAL | • extramusical adj. Apart from and in addition to music. • EXTRAMUSICAL adj. lying outside the province of music. |
METROSEXUALS | • metrosexuals n. Plural of metrosexual. • METROSEXUAL n. a heterosexual man who spends a lot of time and money on his appearance and likes to shop. |
TRANSEXUALISM | • TRANSEXUALISM n. a strong desire to change sex. |
AMBIDEXTROUSLY | • ambidextrously adv. In an ambidextrous manner. • AMBIDEXTROUS adv. able to use either hand with equal dexterity, also AMBIDEXTEROUS. |
COUNTEREXAMPLE | • counterexample n. (Logic) An example that counters a general rule; an exception to a general rule; a specific instance… • COUNTEREXAMPLE n. an example that refutes or disproves a proposition or theory. |
INTERSEXUALISM | • intersexualism n. The state of being intersexual. • INTERSEXUALISM n. the state of being intersexual, existing between sexes. |
METHOXYFLURANE | • methoxyflurane n. (Pharmaceutical drugs) An inhalational anaesthetic of the 1960s and early 1970s, now largely abandoned… • METHOXYFLURANE n. a potent general anaesthetic administered as a vapor. |
METROSEXUALITY | • metrosexuality n. The quality of being metrosexual. |
TRANSEXUALISMS | • TRANSEXUALISM n. a strong desire to change sex. |
TRANSSEXUALISM | • transsexualism n. Transsexuality; the state of being transsexual. • TRANSSEXUALISM n. the state of being a transsexual. |
COUNTEREXAMPLES | • counterexamples n. Plural of counterexample. • COUNTEREXAMPLE n. an example that refutes or disproves a proposition or theory. |
INTERSEXUALISMS | • INTERSEXUALISM n. the state of being intersexual, existing between sexes. |
METHOXYFLURANES | • methoxyfluranes n. Plural of methoxyflurane. • METHOXYFLURANE n. a potent general anaesthetic administered as a vapor. |
TRANSSEXUALISMS | • TRANSSEXUALISM n. the state of being a transsexual. |