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There are 20 words containing A, E, 2L, 2O, P and U

OUTGALLOPEDoutgalloped v. Simple past tense and past participle of outgallop.
OUTGALLOP v. to surpass at galloping.
AILOUROPHILEailourophile n. Alternative spelling of ailurophile.
AILOUROPHILE n. a cat-lover, also AILUROPHILE.
POLYPETALOUSpolypetalous adj. (Botany) having a corolla composed of distinct, separable petals.
POLYPETALOUS adj. separate petals.
POLYSEPALOUSpolysepalous adj. (Botany, of a calyx) having separate sepals.
POLYSEPALOUS adj. having separate sepals.
PORCELLANOUSporcellanous adj. Alternative form of porcellaneous.
AILOUROPHILESailourophiles n. Plural of ailourophile.
AILOUROPHILE n. a cat-lover, also AILUROPHILE.
POLYADELPHOUSpolyadelphous adj. (Botany) Having stamens combined in more than two groups.
POLYADELPHOUS adj. of stamens, united in several bundles; having the stamens so united.
POLYGALACEOUSpolygalaceous adj. Of or pertaining to a family of plants (Polygalaceae) of which Polygala is the type.
POLYGALACEOUS adj. belonging to the family Polygalaceae, milkworts.
PORCELLANEOUSporcellaneous adj. Of or relating to porcelain; resembling porcelain.
porcellaneous adj. (Zoology) Having a smooth, compact shell without pores; said of certain Foraminifera.
SOMATOPLEURALsomatopleural adj. (Embryology) Pertaining to the somatopleure; somatopleuric.
SOMATOPLEURAL adj. of or like a somatopleure, also SOMATOPLEURIC.
SUPERCOLOSSALsupercolossal adj. Exceedingly large.
supercolossal adj. Grander than or beyond colossal.
SUPERCOLOSSAL adj. extremely colossal.
TABLESPOONFULtablespoonful n. The capacity of a tablespoon (table implement).
tablespoonful n. A tablespoon (measure of volume).
TABLESPOONFUL n. the contents of a tablespoon.
LEPTOCEPHALOUSleptocephalous adj. Relating to a leptocephalus.
LEPTOCEPHALOUS adj. having a narrow skull, also LEPTOCEPHALIC.
LEPTODACTYLOUSleptodactylous adj. Having fine, slender toes or fingers.
LEPTODACTYLOUS adj. having fine, slender digits.
TABLESPOONFULStablespoonfuls n. Plural of tablespoonful.
TABLESPOONFUL n. the contents of a tablespoon.
TABLESPOONSFULtablespoonsful n. Plural of tablespoonful.
TABLESPOONFUL n. the contents of a tablespoon.
EBULLIOSCOPICALebullioscopical adj. Alternative form of ebullioscopic.
EBULLIOSCOPICAL adj. relating to an ebullioscope, an instrument for measuring the boiling point of liquids, also EBULLIOSCOPIC.
MEGALOCEPHALOUSmegalocephalous adj. Macrencephalic.
MEGALOCEPHALOUS adj. having an unusually large skull, also MEGACEPHALIC, MEGALOCEPHALIC.
PNEUMATOLOGICALpneumatological adj. Of or pertaining to pneumatology.
PNEUMATOLOGICAL adj. related to pneumatology.
ZYGOPHYLLACEOUSzygophyllaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Zygophyllaceae of bean-capers, caltrops, and related plants.
ZYGOPHYLLACEOUS adj. belonging to the Zygophyllaceae, the bean caper family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 887 words
  • Scrabble in French: 65 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 47 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 326 words

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