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There are 20 words containing A, E, 3L, N, R and S

ALLEGORICALNESSallegoricalness n. The state or quality of being allegorical.
ALLEGORICALNESS n. the state of being allegorical.
ANTIPARALLELSantiparallels n. Plural of antiparallel.
ANTIPARALLEL n. an antiparallel line.
CITRONELLALScitronellals n. Plural of citronellal.
CITRONELLAL n. a colourless aldehyde with a lemon scent, present in citronella and other essential oils.
COLLATERALISINGcollateralising v. Present participle of collateralise.
COLLATERALISE v. to make (a loan) secure with collateral, also COLLATERALIZE.
CRESTFALLENLYcrestfallenly adv. In a crestfallen manner.
CRESTFALLEN adv. dispirited or disappointed by having one's hopes dashed.
GLOSSOLARYNGEALglossolaryngeal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the tongue and the larynx.
GLOSSOLARYNGEAL adj. pertaining to the tongue and to the larynx.
HOLOCRYSTALLINEholocrystalline adj. (Mineralogy) Completely crystalline; said of a rock like granite, all of whose constituents are crystalline.
HOLOCRYSTALLINE adj. wholly crystalline in structure, without glass.
ILLIBERALISINGilliberalising v. Present participle of illiberalise.
ILLIBERALISE v. to render illiberal, also ILLIBERALIZE.
ILLIBERALNESSilliberalness n. The state of being illiberal; illiberality.
ILLIBERALNESS n. the state of being illiberal.
ILLIBERALNESSESILLIBERALNESS n. the state of being illiberal.
KNUCKLEBALLERSknuckleballers n. Plural of knuckleballer.
KNUCKLEBALLER n. a player who delivers knuckleballs.
LAMELLIBRANCHSlamellibranchs n. Plural of lamellibranch.
LAMELLIBRANCH n. any member of the Lamellibranchiata, bivalve molluscs including clams, mussels and oysters.
LAMELLICORNSlamellicorns n. Plural of lamellicorn.
LAMELLICORN n. a scarab or other beetle with leaf-tipped antennae.
NONPARALLELSSorry, definition not available.
PARALLELINGSparallelings n. Plural of paralleling.
PARALLELING n. a commercial practice whereby companies buy highly priced goods (e.g. perfume) in markets where prices are relatively low and sell them on in markets where prices are higher.
PARALLELISINGparallelising v. Present participle of parallelise.
PARALLELISE v. to provide a parallel to, also PARALLELIZE.
POLYCRYSTALLINEpolycrystalline adj. Composed of an aggregate of very small crystals in random orientations.
POLYCRYSTALLINE adj. consisting of crystals variously oriented.
PREMILLENNIALSpremillennials n. Plural of premillennial.
PREMILLENNIAL n. one born before a millennium.
ROLLERBLADINGSROLLERBLADING n. the sport of skating on rollerblades.
UNREALISTICALLYunrealistically adv. In an unrealistic manner.
UNREALISTIC adv. not realistic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 739 words
  • Scrabble in French: 76 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 183 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 49 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 27 words

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