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There are 19 words containing A, E, K, M, 2O, R and S

BACKROOMERSSorry, definition not available.
BOOKMAKERSbookmakers n. Plural of bookmaker.
BOOKMAKER n. a person who accepts bets at racecourses, etc., and pays out the winnings.
BOOKMARKERSbookmarkers n. Plural of bookmarker.
BOOKMARKER n. a marker for indicating the reader's current place, also BOOKMARK.
BOOTMAKERSbootmakers n. Plural of bootmaker.
BOOTMAKER n. one who makes boots.
KAIROMONESkairomones n. Plural of kairomone.
KAIROMONE n. a semiochemical, emitted by an organism, which mediates interspecific interactions in a way that benefits an individual of another species which receives it, without benefiting the emitter.
KARYOSOMEkaryosome n. (Cytology) The chromatin material inside a cell nucleus when the cell is not undergoing mitotic division.
KARYOSOME n. a spherical aggregation of chromatin in a resting nucleus during mitosis.
KARYOSOMESkaryosomes n. Plural of karyosome.
KARYOSOME n. a spherical aggregation of chromatin in a resting nucleus during mitosis.
KERATOTOMIESkeratotomies n. Plural of keratotomy.
KERATOTOMY n. surgery of the cornea.
MEROPLANKTONSmeroplanktons n. Plural of meroplankton.
MEROPLANKTON n. plankton consisting of certain larvae that do not spend all their life as plankton.
MOONRAKERSmoonrakers n. Plural of moonraker.
Moonrakers n. Plural of Moonraker.
MOONRAKER n. a small sail sometimes carried above a skyscraper, aka a moonsail.
MOONWALKERSmoonwalkers n. Plural of moonwalker.
MOONWALKER n. one who performs the moonwalk.
SMACKEROOsmackeroo n. (Slang) Synonym of kiss.
smackeroo n. (US, Australia, slang) Synonym of dollar.
SMACKEROO n. a loud kiss; one pound stirling.
SMACKEROOSsmackeroos n. Plural of smackeroo.
SMACKEROO n. a loud kiss; one pound stirling.
SMOKEBOARDsmoke␣board n. A board suspended before a fireplace to prevent the smoke from coming out into the room.
SMOKEBOARD n. a board suspended in front of a fireplace to prevent the smoke coming out into the room.
SMOKEBOARDSsmoke␣boards n. Plural of smoke board.
SMOKEBOARD n. a board suspended in front of a fireplace to prevent the smoke coming out into the room.
THROMBOKINASEthrombokinase n. (Biochemistry) A proteolytic enzyme that converts prothrombin into thrombin during the clotting of blood.
THROMBOKINASE n. an enzyme active in the clotting of blood, aka thromboplastin.
THROMBOKINASESthrombokinases n. Plural of thrombokinase.
THROMBOKINASE n. an enzyme active in the clotting of blood, aka thromboplastin.
TOOLMAKERStoolmakers n. Plural of toolmaker.
TOOLMAKER n. one who makes tools.
VOORKAMERSVOORKAMER n. (South African) a front room, esp. of a farmhouse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 517 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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