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There are 16 words containing A, E, I, 2N, O and 2V

ANTICONVULSIVEanticonvulsive adj. (Pharmacology) Acting against or serving to prevent convulsions.
anticonvulsive n. (Pharmacology) Any anticonvulsant drug.
ANTICONVULSIVE n. an anticonvulsant drug.
ANTICONVULSIVESanticonvulsives n. Plural of anticonvulsive.
ANTICONVULSIVE n. an anticonvulsant drug.
ANTIVIVISECTIONantivivisection adj. Opposed to vivisection.
ANTIVIVISECTION adj. opposed to vivivsection.
INNOVATIVEinnovative adj. Characterized by the creation of new ideas or inventions.
innovative adj. Forward-looking; ahead of current thinking.
INNOVATIVE adj. characterized by innovation.
INNOVATIVELYinnovatively adv. In an innovative manner.
INNOVATIVE adv. characterized by innovation.
INNOVATIVENESSinnovativeness n. The characteristic of being innovative.
INNOVATIVE n. characterized by innovation.
NEOCONSERVATIVEneoconservative n. (US) A supporter of neoconservatism.
neoconservative adj. (US) Of or relating to neoconservatism.
neo-conservative adj. Alternative spelling of neoconservative.
NONCONSERVATIVEnonconservative adj. Not conservative.
nonconservative n. A person who is not a conservative.
NONCONSERVATIVE adj. not conservative.
NONDERIVATIVEnonderivative adj. Not derivative.
nonderivative n. (Finance) A financial instrument that is not a derivative.
NONDERIVATIVE adj. not derivative.
NONDERIVATIVESnonderivatives n. Plural of nonderivative.
NONEVALUATIVEnonevaluative adj. Not evaluative.
NONEVALUATIVE adj. not evaluative.
NONINVASIVEnoninvasive adj. Not invasive.
noninvasive adj. (Medicine) Of a surgical or other medical procedure, not requiring an incision.
non-invasive adj. Alternative form of noninvasive.
NONINVASIVELYnoninvasively adv. In a noninvasive manner.
OVERLEAVENINGoverleavening v. Present participle of overleaven.
OVERLEAVEN v. to leaven too much.
VARSOVIENNEvarsovienne n. A polka-like Polish dance.
varsovienne n. A piece of music for such a dance, or having its slow triple time characteristic strong accent beginning…
VARSOVIENNE n. (French) a polka-like Polish dance.
VARSOVIENNESvarsoviennes n. Plural of varsovienne.
VARSOVIENNE n. (French) a polka-like Polish dance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 149 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 489 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 45 words

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