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There are 18 words containing A, E, I, J, R, S and 2T

AUTOINJECTORSautoinjectors n. Plural of autoinjector.
auto-injectors n. Plural of auto-injector.
INTERJACULATESinterjaculates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interjaculate.
INTERJACULATE v. to ejaculate in interruption.
MAJORETTINGSMAJORETTING n. the practice of performing as majorettes.
PROJECTISATIONPROJECTISATION n. the direction of aid to developing countries towards a specific project, without regard to wider issues or needs, also PROJECTIZATION.
PROJECTISATIONSPROJECTISATION n. the direction of aid to developing countries towards a specific project, without regard to wider issues or needs, also PROJECTIZATION.
PROJECTIZATIONSPROJECTIZATION n. the direction of aid to developing countries towards a specific project, without regard to wider issues or needs, also PROJECTISATION.
RIJSTTAFELrijsttafel n. A large meal originating in colonial Indonesia composed of many different dishes with rice as the main…
RIJSTTAFEL n. (Dutch) an Indonesian rice dish, also REISTAFEL, RIJSTAFEL.
RIJSTTAFELSrijsttafels n. Plural of rijsttafel.
RIJSTTAFEL n. (Dutch) an Indonesian rice dish, also REISTAFEL, RIJSTAFEL.
STRAIGHTJACKETstraightjacket n. Misspelling of straitjacket.
straight-jacket n. Misspelling of straitjacket.
straight␣jacket n. Alternative form of straightjacket.
STRAITJACKETstraitjacket n. A jacket-like garment with very long sleeves which can be secured in place, thus preventing the wearer…
straitjacket n. (Figurative) Any situation seen as confining or restricting.
straitjacket v. (Literally) To put someone into a straitjacket.
STRAITJACKETEDstraitjacketed v. Simple past tense and past participle of straitjacket.
STRAITJACKET v. to confine in or as if in a straitjacket.
STRAITJACKETINGstraitjacketing v. Present participle of straitjacket.
straitjacketing n. Constraints, restrictions.
STRAITJACKET v. to confine in or as if in a straitjacket.
STRAITJACKETSstraitjackets n. Plural of straitjacket.
STRAITJACKET v. to confine in or as if in a straitjacket.
TELEJOURNALISTtelejournalist n. A journalist working in the medium of television.
TELEJOURNALIST n. a journalist working for television.
TELEJOURNALISTStelejournalists n. Plural of telejournalist.
TELEJOURNALIST n. a journalist working for television.
TRAJECTIONStrajections n. Plural of trajection.
TRAJECTION n. the act of trajecting.
TRAJECTORIEStrajectories n. Plural of trajectory.
TRAJECTORY n. the curve that a body (as a planet or comet in its orbit or a rocket) describes in space.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 219 words
  • Scrabble in French: 87 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 242 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 162 words

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