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There are 17 words containing A, E, G, M, S and 3T

APOPHTHEGMATISTapophthegmatist n. Alternative form of apothegmatist.
APOPHTHEGMATIST n. one who speaks in apophthegms, also APOTHEGMATIST.
APOTHEGMATISTapothegmatist n. A collector or maker of apothegms.
APOTHEGMATIST n. one who speaks in apothegms, also APOPHTHEGMATIST.
APOTHEGMATISTSapothegmatists n. Plural of apothegmatist.
APOTHEGMATIST n. one who speaks in apothegms, also APOPHTHEGMATIST.
MAGNETOSTATICmagnetostatic adj. Of or pertaining to magnetostatics.
MAGNETOSTATIC adj. of, relating to, or being a stationary magnetic field.
MAGNETOSTATICSmagnetostatics n. (Physics) The study of static magnetic fields.
MAGNETOSTATICS n. the study of steady-state magnetic fields.
METATUNGSTICMETATUNGSTIC adj. as in metatungstic acid, an acid of tungsten.
MULTIMEGAWATTSmultimegawatts n. Plural of multimegawatt.
MULTIMEGAWATT n. many megawatts.
RETRANSMITTINGretransmitting v. Present participle of retransmit.
RETRANSMIT v. to transmit again.
STATEMENTINGstatementing n. (Britain, education) formal official assessment of a child as having special needs.
statementing v. Present participle of statement.
STATEMENTING n. the process of taking a statement.
STATEMENTINGSSTATEMENTING n. the process of taking a statement.
STEAMTIGHTsteamtight adj. So tightly made that steam cannot enter or escape.
STEAMTIGHT adj. impervious to steam.
STEAMTIGHTNESSSTEAMTIGHTNESS n. the state of being steamtight.
SYNTAGMATITEsyntagmatite n. (Mineralogy) A basaltic variety of hornblende.
SYNTAGMATITE n. a kind of hornblende.
SYNTAGMATITESsyntagmatites n. Plural of syntagmatite.
SYNTAGMATITE n. a kind of hornblende.
TETRAGRAMMATONSTETRAGRAMMATON n. a sacred word or acronym of four letters.
THERMOSTATINGTHERMOSTAT v. to provide with or control the temperature of by a thermostat, a device for keeping temperature stead.
THERMOSTATTINGTHERMOSTAT v. to provide with or control the temperature of by a thermostat, a device for keeping temperature stead.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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