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There are 20 words containing A, E, G, I, 2S, T and W

GAWSIESTGAWSIE adj. (Scots) portly, jolly, also GAUCIE, GAUCY, GAWCY, GAWSY.
NEWSCASTINGnewscasting n. The production of newscasts.
NEWSCASTING n. the broadcasting of news.
NEWSCASTINGSNEWSCASTING n. the broadcasting of news.
SPRINGWATERSspringwaters n. Plural of springwater.
spring-waters n. Plural of spring-water.
spring␣waters n. Plural of spring water.
STONEWALLINGSstonewallings n. Plural of stonewalling.
STONEWALLING n. defensive play in cricket.
STONEWASHINGstonewashing v. Present participle of stonewash.
STONEWASH v. to wash with stones to give a worn appearance.
STRAWWEIGHTSstrawweights n. Plural of strawweight.
STRAWWEIGHT n. a professional boxer weighing not more than 47.6 kg.
SWEATINGSsweatings n. Plural of sweating.
SWEATING n. the act of sweating.
SWEETHEARTINGSSWEETHEARTING n. the granting of unauthorized discounts or the abetting of shoplifting by staff in a shop.
SWINGBEATSSWINGBEAT n. a type of dance music.
SWITCHGEARSswitchgears n. Plural of switchgear.
switch␣gears v. Alternative form of shift gears.
SWITCHGEAR n. the apparatus that controls the switches in the electric circuits of a power station.
SWITCHGRASSESswitchgrasses n. Plural of switchgrass.
switch␣grasses n. Plural of switch grass.
SWITCHGRASS n. a panic grass of the western US that is used for hay.
WAITRESSINGwaitressing v. Present participle of waitress.
WAITRESSING n. working as a waitress.
WAITRESSINGSWAITRESSING n. working as a waitress.
WATERSKIINGSWATERSKIING n. the sport of skiing on water.
WATERTIGHTNESSwatertightness n. (Rare) The condition of being watertight.
WATERTIGHTNESS n. the state of being watertight.
WEBCASTINGSwebcastings n. Plural of webcasting.
WEBCASTING n. broadcasting over the Internet.
WHITEWASHINGSwhitewashings n. Plural of whitewashing.
WHITEWASHING n. the act of coating with whitewash.
WITCHGRASSESwitchgrasses n. Plural of witchgrass.
witch␣grasses n. Plural of witch grass.
WITCHGRASS n. a North American grass common on cultivated land.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 460 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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