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There are 15 words containing A, E, G, 2I, O, R and X

ANOREXIGENICanorexigenic adj. (Medicine) creating or inducing a state of anorexia.
anorexigenic n. An anorexigenic agent.
ANOREXIGENIC adj. promoting or causing anorexia.
APPROXIMEETINGAPPROXIMEETING n. the practice of a group of people making indefinite plans to meet and then altering those plans regularly via mobile phones according to changing circumstances.
APPROXIMEETINGSAPPROXIMEETING n. the practice of a group of people making indefinite plans to meet and then altering those plans regularly via mobile phones according to changing circumstances.
EXCORIATINGexcoriating v. Present participle of excoriate.
EXCORIATE v. to abrade; to heap abuse.
EXCORTICATINGexcorticating v. Present participle of excorticate.
EXCORTICATE v. to strip the bark off of.
EXORBITATINGexorbitating v. Present participle of exorbitate.
EXORBITATE v. (obsolete) to stray.
EXPROPRIATINGexpropriating v. Present participle of expropriate.
EXPROPRIATE v. to deprive of possession or proprietary rights.
LEXICOGRAPHIClexicographic adj. Like a dictionary, relating to lexicography (the writing of a dictionary).
LEXICOGRAPHIC adj. relating to lexicography, also LEXICOGRAPHICAL.
LEXICOGRAPHICALlexicographical adj. Relating to lexicography.
lexicographical adj. Meeting lexicographical standards or requirements; worthy of being included in a dictionary.
LEXICOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to lexicography, also LEXICOGRAPHIC.
LEXICOGRAPHIESlexicographies n. Plural of lexicography.
LEXICOGRAPHY n. the editing or making of a dictionary.
LEXICOGRAPHISTlexicographist n. (Chiefly archaic) A student specialising in the discipline of lexicography; lexicographer.
LEXICOGRAPHIST n. one who makes dictionaries.
LEXICOGRAPHISTSlexicographists n. Plural of lexicographist.
LEXICOGRAPHIST n. one who makes dictionaries.
NEGOTIATRIXnegotiatrix n. (Obsolete) A female negotiator.
NEGOTIATRIX n. (archaic) a female negotiator, also NEGOTIATRESS.
NEGOTIATRIXESNEGOTIATRIX n. (archaic) a female negotiator, also NEGOTIATRESS.
OVEREXPLAININGoverexplaining v. Present participle of overexplain.
OVEREXPLAIN v. to explain to excess.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 153 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 42 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 67 words

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