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There are 18 words containing A, E, 2F, 2R, S and T

DIFFARREATIONSDIFFARREATION n. (historical) a Roman form of divorce.
DIFFERENTIATORSdifferentiators n. Plural of differentiator.
DIFFERENTIATOR n. someone who or that which differentiates.
DIFFRACTOMETERSdiffractometers n. Plural of diffractometer.
DIFFRACTOMETER n. an instrument for determining structure of crystal through light diffraction.
FOREFATHERSforefathers n. Plural of forefather.
FOREFATHER n. an ancestor.
FORFAITERSFORFAITER n. a person who, or company which, buys and sells debts arising from forfaiting.
FRANKFURTERSfrankfurters n. Plural of frankfurter.
Frankfurters n. Plural of Frankfurter.
FRANKFURTER n. (German) a small smoked sausage, also FRANKFORT, FRANKFURT.
INTERTRAFFICSINTERTRAFFIC n. (obsolete) traffic between two or more people or places.
QUARTERSTAFFquarterstaff n. A wooden staff of an approximate length between 2 and 2.5 meters, sometimes tipped with iron, used as…
quarterstaff n. Fighting or exercise with the quarterstaff.
quarter-staff n. Alternative form of quarterstaff.
QUARTERSTAFFSquarterstaffs n. Plural of quarterstaff.
quarter-staffs n. Plural of quarter-staff.
QUARTERSTAFF n. a long wooden pole with an iron tip, an old weapon of defence.
REAFFIRMATIONSreaffirmations n. Plural of reaffirmation.
REAFFIRMATION n. the act of reaffirming.
REAFFORESTreafforest v. (Dated) To reforest.
REAFFOREST v. to plant with forest again.
REAFFORESTATIONreafforestation n. Reforestation.
REAFFORESTATION n. the act of reafforesting.
REAFFORESTEDreafforested v. Simple past tense and past participle of reafforest.
REAFFOREST v. to plant with forest again.
REAFFORESTINGreafforesting v. Present participle of reafforest.
REAFFOREST v. to plant with forest again.
REAFFORESTSreafforests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reafforest.
REAFFOREST v. to plant with forest again.
STAFFRIDERSTAFFRIDER n. (South African) a person who illegally rides on the outside of a suburban train.
STAFFRIDERSSTAFFRIDER n. (South African) a person who illegally rides on the outside of a suburban train.
TRAFFICKERStraffickers n. Plural of trafficker.
TRAFFICKER n. one who traffics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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