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There are 10 words containing A, E, 2F, O, S, T and U

SUFFOCATEsuffocate v. (Ergative) To suffer, or cause someone to suffer, from severely reduced oxygen intake to the body.
suffocate v. (Ergative) To die due to, or kill someone by means of, insufficient oxygen supply to the body.
suffocate v. (Ergative, figuratively) To overwhelm, or be overwhelmed (by a person or issue), as though with oxygen deprivation.
AFFETTUOSOaffettuoso adv. (Music) With feeling; in a loving, tender way.
AFFETTUOSO adv. (Italian) a musical direction to perform a passage with feeling.
SUFFOCATEDsuffocated v. Simple past tense and past participle of suffocate.
suffocated adj. Having died as a result of suffocation.
SUFFOCATE v. to kill by depriving of air.
SUFFOCATESsuffocates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of suffocate.
SUFFOCATE v. to kill by depriving of air.
TUFFACEOUStuffaceous adj. Of the nature or texture of tuff.
TUFFACEOUS adj. of or like tuff.
SUFFOCATIVEsuffocative adj. Tending or able to choke or stifle.
SUFFOCATIVE adj. serving to suffocate.
EXSUFFLATIONexsufflation n. (Obsolete) A blast from beneath.
exsufflation n. (Obsolete) A kind of exorcism by blowing with the breath.
exsufflation n. (Biology, obsolete) A strongly forced expiration of air from the lungs.
EFFECTUATIONSeffectuations n. Plural of effectuation.
EFFECTUATION n. the act of effectuating.
EFFIGURATIONSEFFIGURATION n. an elaborate, detailed description of an object or an event.
EXSUFFLATIONSexsufflations n. Plural of exsufflation.
EXSUFFLATION n. expiration; exorcism by blowing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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