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There are 18 words containing A, 2E, 2N, 2P and U

APPURTENANCEappurtenance n. That which appertains; an appendage to something else; an addition.
appurtenance n. (In the plural) Equipment used for some specific task; gear.
appurtenance n. (Law) A subordinate interest in land which benefits a principal estate, which cannot be detached from…
APPURTENANCESappurtenances n. Plural of appurtenance.
appurtenances n. Equipment used for a specific task or purpose; gear.
APPURTENANCE n. a subordinate or adjunct part of.
PANLEUCOPENIApanleucopenia n. Alternative form of panleukopenia.
PANLEUCOPENIA n. a viral disease of cats marked by a deficiency of white blood cells, also PANLEUKOPENIA.
PANLEUCOPENIASPANLEUCOPENIA n. a viral disease of cats marked by a deficiency of white blood cells, also PANLEUKOPENIA.
PANLEUKOPENIApanleukopenia n. A distemper of cats caused by a strain of Parvovirus.
PANLEUKOPENIA n. a viral disease of cats marked by a deficiency of white blood cells, also PANLEUCOPENIA.
PANLEUKOPENIASpanleukopenias n. Plural of panleukopenia.
PANLEUKOPENIA n. a viral disease of cats marked by a deficiency of white blood cells, also PANLEUCOPENIA.
PLEUROPNEUMONIApleuropneumonia n. (Pathology) inflammation of the pleura and lungs; a combination of pleurisy and pneumonia, especially…
PLEUROPNEUMONIA n. pneumonia aggravated by pleurisy.
PSEUDOPREGNANCYpseudopregnancy n. Pseudocyesis or false pregnancy.
pseudopregnancy n. The persistence of the corpus luteum following infertile copulation in some mammals.
PSEUDOPREGNANCY n. false pregnancy.
PSEUDOPREGNANTpseudopregnant adj. Of, pertaining to, or undergoing pseudopregnancy.
PSEUDOPREGNANT adj. relating to pseudopregnancy.
SUPERPHENOMENAsuperphenomena n. Plural of superphenomenon.
SUPERPHENOMENON n. an exceptional phenomenon.
SUPPLEMENTATIONsupplementation n. The act of supplementing.
supplementation n. Something added as a supplement.
SUPPLEMENTATION n. the act of supplementing.
UNAPPREHENDEDunapprehended adj. Not apprehended.
unapprehended adj. Not understood.
UNAPPREHENDED adj. not apprehended.
UNAPPREHENSIBLEunapprehensible adj. Alternative form of inapprehensible.
UNAPPREHENSIBLE adj. not apprehensible.
UNAPPREHENSIVEunapprehensive adj. Not apprehending.
UNAPPREHENSIVE adj. not apprehensive.
UNFLAPPABLENESSunflappableness n. (Rare) Unflappability.
UNFLAPPABLENESS n. the state of being unflappable.
UNHAPPENEDunhappened v. Simple past tense and past participle of unhappen.
UNHAPPEN v. to become as though never having happened.
UNHAPPINESSESunhappinesses n. Plural of unhappiness.
UNHAPPINESS n. the state of being unhappy.
UNPREPAREDNESSunpreparedness n. The state or quality of being unprepared.
UNPREPAREDNESS n. a lack of preparedness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 312 words
  • Scrabble in French: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 19 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 23 words

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