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There are 16 words containing A, 2E, L, O, Q, R and U

CONQUERABLEconquerable adj. Capable of being conquered or subdued.
CONQUERABLE adj. that can be conquered.
CONQUERABLENESSconquerableness n. The quality of being conquerable.
CONQUERABLE n. that can be conquered.
EQUIMOLECULARequimolecular adj. (Chemistry) Containing the same number of molecules (of two or more compounds).
EQUIMOLECULAR adj. of substances, solutions, etc., containing equal numbers of molecules.
EQUIPROBABLEequiprobable adj. (Mathematics, logic) Having equal probability, such as any number from 1 to 6 being the equiprobable…
EQUIPROBABLE adj. having the same degree of logical or mathematical probability.
GRANDILOQUENCEgrandiloquence n. Lofty, pompous or bombastic speech or writing.
GRANDILOQUENCE n. lofty or pompous eloquence, bombast.
GRANDILOQUENCESgrandiloquences n. Plural of grandiloquence.
GRANDILOQUENCE n. lofty or pompous eloquence, bombast.
OVERQUALIFIEDoverqualified adj. Having too many qualifications to be deemed appropriate for a (usually unskilled) job.
OVERQUALIFIED adj. having more education, training, or experience than a job calls for.
PASQUEFLOWERpasqueflower n. Alternative spelling of pasque flower.
pasque␣flower n. Various deciduous perennial flowering plants, of the genus Pulsatilla, found in clumps in certain grassland areas.
PASQUEFLOWER n. a species of anemone with bell-shaped purple flowers.
PASQUEFLOWERSpasqueflowers n. Plural of pasqueflower.
pasque␣flowers n. Plural of pasque flower.
PASQUEFLOWER n. a species of anemone with bell-shaped purple flowers.
QUARRELSOMEquarrelsome adj. Argumentative; fond of or prone to quarreling.
QUARRELSOME adj. apt or disposed to quarrel in an often petty manner.
QUARRELSOMELYquarrelsomely adv. In a quarrelsome manner.
QUARRELSOME adv. apt or disposed to quarrel in an often petty manner.
QUARRELSOMENESSquarrelsomeness n. The quality of being quarrelsome; an argumentative nature.
QUARRELSOME n. apt or disposed to quarrel in an often petty manner.
ROQUELAUREroquelaure n. (Now archaic, historical) A lined and trimmed cloak that reaches to the knees, often with bright-coloured…
ROQUELAURE n. a cloak reaching about to, or just below, the knees, worn in the 18th century, also ROCKLAY, ROKELAY.
ROQUELAURESroquelaures n. Plural of roquelaure.
ROQUELAURE n. a cloak reaching about to, or just below, the knees, worn in the 18th century, also ROCKLAY, ROKELAY.
UNCONQUERABLEunconquerable adj. Not conquerable; indomitable.
UNCONQUERABLE adj. incapable of being conquered.
UNCONQUERABLESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 339 words
  • Scrabble in French: 370 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 426 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 97 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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