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There are 9 words containing A, 2E, J, M, R and 2T

JETSTREAMjetstream n. Alternative spelling of jet stream.
jet␣stream n. (Meteorology) any of the high-speed, high-altitude air currents that circle the Earth in a westerly direction.
JETSTREAM n. a narrow belt of high-altitude winds moving east at high speeds and having an important effect on frontogenesis.
JETSTREAMSjetstreams n. Plural of jetstream.
jet␣streams n. Plural of jet stream.
JETSTREAM n. a narrow belt of high-altitude winds moving east at high speeds and having an important effect on frontogenesis.
MAJORETTEmajorette n. A dancer who twirls and performs stunts with a lightweight baton, whether as a solo, in a group of majorettes…
MAJORETTE n. a member of a group of girls who march in parades etc.
MAJORETTESmajorettes n. Plural of majorette.
MAJORETTE n. a member of a group of girls who march in parades etc.
OVERADJUSTMENToveradjustment n. Excessive adjustment.
OVERADJUSTMENT n. an excessive adjustment.
OVERADJUSTMENTSoveradjustments n. Plural of overadjustment.
OVERADJUSTMENT n. an excessive adjustment.
READJUSTMENTreadjustment n. A second or subsequent adjustment.
READJUSTMENT n. the act of readjusting.
READJUSTMENTSreadjustments n. Plural of readjustment.
READJUSTMENT n. the act of readjusting.
REJECTAMENTArejectamenta n. Things that are thrown away or rejected; items with little or no value waste, rubbish, garbage, refuse, ejecta.
REJECTAMENTA n. refuse; excrement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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