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There are 12 words containing A, 2E, I, N, U and 2V

ANTISUBVERSIVEantisubversive adj. (Politics) Opposing or countering political subversion.
antisubversive n. One who opposes political subversion.
ANTISUBVERSIVE adj. opposed to subversion.
INEQUIVALVEinequivalve adj. (Zoology, of the shells of a bivalve mollusc) Having valves of different sizes.
inequivalve n. Any bivalve mollusc whose valves are of different sizes.
INEQUIVALVE adj. having the valves of the shell of a mollusk unequal in size, also INEQUIVALVED.
INEQUIVALVEDinequivalved adj. Synonym of inequivalve.
INEQUIVALVED adj. having the valves of the shell of a mollusk unequal in size, also INEQUIVALVE.
NONEVALUATIVEnonevaluative adj. Not evaluative.
NONEVALUATIVE adj. not evaluative.
OVEREVALUATINGoverevaluating v. Present participle of overevaluate.
OVEREVALUATIONoverevaluation n. Synonym of overvaluation.
OVEREVALUATION n. excessive evaluation.
OVEREVALUATIONSoverevaluations n. Plural of overevaluation.
OVEREVALUATION n. excessive evaluation.
VAUDEVILLEANvaudevillean n. Alternative form of vaudevillian.
VAUDEVILLEAN n. a performer or writer of vaudeville, also VAUDEVILLIAN.
VAUDEVILLEANSvaudevilleans n. Plural of vaudevillean.
VAUDEVILLEAN n. a performer or writer of vaudeville, also VAUDEVILLIAN.
VESUVIANITEvesuvianite n. (Mineralogy) A yellow, green or brown mineral, a mixed calcium, magnesium and aluminium silicate sometimes…
VESUVIANITE n. a silicate of calcium, magnesium, and aluminium, aka idocrase, occurring as brown, yellow, or green crystals or masses in metamorphosed limestones.
VESUVIANITESvesuvianites n. Plural of vesuvianite.
VESUVIANITE n. a silicate of calcium, magnesium, and aluminium, aka idocrase, occurring as brown, yellow, or green crystals or masses in metamorphosed limestones.
VIVACIOUSNESSESVIVACIOUSNESS n. the state of being vivacious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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