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There are 20 words containing A, 2E, 2G, H and 2S

EGGWASHESeggwashes n. Plural of eggwash (alternative spelling of egg washes).
egg␣washes n. Plural of egg wash.
EGGWASH n. a thin mixture of egg and milk used as a glaze for pastry.
SHAGGEDNESSshaggedness n. (Dated) shagginess.
SHAGGEDNESS n. the state of being shagged.
MESHUGGENAHSmeshuggenahs n. Plural of meshuggenah.
MESHUGGENAH n. (Yiddish) a fool, a crazy person, also MESHUGGENEH, MESHUGGENER.
SHAGGINESSESSHAGGINESS n. the state of being shaggy.
SPRECHGESANGsprechgesang n. (Music) A form of recitative between speaking and singing.
SPRECHGESANG n. (German) a style of vocal delivery introduced by Schoenberg.
EGGHEADEDNESSeggheadedness n. The quality of being eggheaded.
EGGHEADEDNESS n. the state of being eggheaded.
GREENWASHINGSgreenwashings n. Plural of greenwashing.
GREENWASHING n. the act of covering with a specious overlay of concern for the environment.
HAGGARDNESSESHAGGARDNESS n. the state of being haggard.
HAGGISHNESSESHAGGISHNESS n. the state of being haggish.
SHAGGEDNESSESSHAGGEDNESS n. the state of being shagged.
SPRECHGESANGSSPRECHGESANG n. (German) a style of vocal delivery introduced by Schoenberg.
STAGGERBUSHESstaggerbushes n. Plural of staggerbush.
STAGGERBUSH n. a shrubby heath of the Eastern US, poisonous to livestock.
STRAIGHTEDGESstraightedges n. Plural of straightedge.
straight␣edges n. Plural of straight edge.
STRAIGHTEDGE n. a bar or piece of material (as of wood, metal, or plastic) with a straight edge for testing straight lines and surfaces or for cutting along or drawing straight lines.
WAGGISHNESSESWAGGISHNESS n. the state of being waggish.
GASTIGHTNESSESGASTIGHTNESS n. the state of being gastight.
EGGHEADEDNESSESEGGHEADEDNESS n. the state of being eggheaded.
HYPERAGGRESSIVEhyperaggressive adj. Extremely aggressive.
HYPERAGGRESSIVE adj. excessively aggressive.
PEDAGOGUISHNESSPEDAGOGUISH n. in the manner of a pedagogue.
STEGANOGRAPHERSsteganographers n. Plural of steganographer.
STEGANOGRAPHER n. a cryptographer; one who works with ciphers.
STEGANOGRAPHIESSTEGANOGRAPHY n. the practice of concealing digital data within some of the pixels of an image.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 243 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 153 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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