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There are 20 words containing A, 2E, F, H, L, O and S

FLEAHOPPERSfleahoppers n. Plural of fleahopper.
FLEAHOPPER n. any of various small jumping bugs that feed on certain plants.
LEAFHOPPERSleafhoppers n. Plural of leafhopper.
leaf-hoppers n. Plural of leaf-hopper.
leaf␣hoppers n. Plural of leaf hopper.
FELDSPATHOSEfeldspathose adj. (Mineralogy) Containing feldspar.
SOFTHEADEDLYsoftheadedly adv. In a softheaded manner.
SOFTHEADED adv. having or indicative of a weak, unrealistic, or uncritical mind.
FLAMETHROWERSflamethrowers n. Plural of flamethrower.
flame␣throwers n. Plural of flame thrower.
FLAMETHROWER n. a device that expels from a nozzle a burning stream of liquid or semiliquid fuel under pressure.
FLEXOGRAPHIESFLEXOGRAPHY n. a method of rotary letterpress printing using a resilient printing plate and solvent-based ink, used characteristically for printing on metal foil or plastic.
FORMALDEHYDESformaldehydes n. Plural of formaldehyde.
FORMALDEHYDE n. a formic aldehyde, formalin.
HEXAFLUORIDEShexafluorides n. Plural of hexafluoride.
HEXAFLUORIDE n. a chemical compound with the general formula XF6.
SOFTHEARTEDLYsoftheartedly adv. In a softhearted manner; with sentimental tenderness.
soft-heartedly adv. Alternative form of softheartedly.
SOFTHEARTED adv. emotionally responsive.
SULFONMETHANEsulfonmethane n. (Organic chemistry) A sedative drug with chemical formula C7H16O4S2; acetone diethyl sulfone.
SULFONMETHANE n. (US) a colourless crystalline compound used medicinally as a hypnotic, also SULPHONMETHANE.
FATHOMLESSNESSfathomlessness n. The state or condition of being fathomless.
FATHOMLESS n. incapable of being fathomed.
LOATHFULNESSESLOATHFULNESS n. the state of being loathful.
REFLECTOGRAPHSreflectographs n. Plural of reflectograph.
REFLECTOGRAPH n. an image produced by reflectography.
SULFONMETHANESSULFONMETHANE n. (US) a colourless crystalline compound used medicinally as a hypnotic, also SULPHONMETHANE.
FASHIONABLENESSfashionableness n. The state of being fashionable; stylishness; elegance.
FASHIONABLENESS n. the state of being fashionable.
FOOLHARDINESSESfoolhardinesses n. Plural of foolhardiness.
FOOLHARDINESS n. the state of being foolhardy.
HEMOFLAGELLATEShemoflagellates n. Plural of hemoflagellate.
HEMOFLAGELLATE n. a flagellate (as a trypanosome) that is a blood parasite, also HAEMOFLAGELLATE.
METHOXYFLURANESmethoxyfluranes n. Plural of methoxyflurane.
METHOXYFLURANE n. a potent general anaesthetic administered as a vapor.
REPROACHFULNESSreproachfulness n. The state or quality of being reproachful.
REPROACHFUL n. reproving.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 963 words
  • Scrabble in French: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 45 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 29 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 9 words

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