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There are 18 words containing A, 3E, L, O, P and U

PSEUDOALLELEpseudoallele n. (Genetics) Either of the two genes involved in pseudoallelism.
PSEUDOALLELE n. a false allele.
DOUBLESPEAKERdoublespeaker n. One who engages in doublespeak.
DOUBLESPEAKER n. one who engages in doublespeak.
OVERSPECULATEoverspeculate v. (Finance) To spend too much money in speculation.
overspeculate v. To speculate excessively.
OVERSPECULATE v. to speculate excessively.
PSEUDOALLELESpseudoalleles n. Plural of pseudoallele.
PSEUDOALLELE n. a false allele.
COUNTEREXAMPLEcounterexample n. (Logic) An example that counters a general rule; an exception to a general rule; a specific instance…
COUNTEREXAMPLE n. an example that refutes or disproves a proposition or theory.
COUNTERPLEADEDcounterpleaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of counterplead.
COUNTERPLEAD v. to plead the contrary of.
DOUBLESPEAKERSdoublespeakers n. Plural of doublespeaker.
DOUBLESPEAKER n. one who engages in doublespeak.
ENTEROPNEUSTALENTEROPNEUSTAL adj. of or like an enteropneust.
OVERSPECULATEDoverspeculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of overspeculate.
OVERSPECULATE v. to speculate excessively.
OVERSPECULATESoverspeculates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overspeculate.
OVERSPECULATE v. to speculate excessively.
SUPERELEVATIONsuperelevation n. The angle that a gun must be elevated above the line of its target to allow for the effect of gravity…
superelevation n. The cant of a railway track; the difference in elevation (height) between its two edges, as on a curve.
SUPERELEVATION n. the vertical distance between the heights of inner and outer edges of highway pavement or railroad rails.
COUNTEREXAMPLEScounterexamples n. Plural of counterexample.
COUNTEREXAMPLE n. an example that refutes or disproves a proposition or theory.
ELEUTHEROPHOBIAeleutherophobia n. (Rare) Fear of freedom.
ELEUTHEROPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of freedom.
PSEUDOCOELOMATEpseudocoelomate adj. Of, pertaining to, or possessing a pseudocoel.
pseudocoelomate n. Such an animal.
PSEUDOCOELOMATE n. an invertebrate (as a nematode or rotifer) having a body cavity that is a pseudocoel.
RECONCEPTUALISEreconceptualise v. Alternative spelling of reconceptualize.
RECONCEPTUALISE v. to form a new concept of, also RECONCEPTUALIZE.
RECONCEPTUALIZEreconceptualize v. (Transitive) To conceptualize afresh; to develop a replacement concept of.
RECONCEPTUALIZE v. to form a new concept of, also RECONCEPTUALISE.
SUPERELEVATIONSsuperelevations n. Plural of superelevation.
SUPERELEVATION n. the vertical distance between the heights of inner and outer edges of highway pavement or railroad rails.
UNEXCEPTIONABLEunexceptionable adj. Beyond reproach; unimpeachable.
UNEXCEPTIONABLE adj. not open to objection or criticism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 853 words
  • Scrabble in French: 107 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 69 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 33 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 185 words

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