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There are 17 words containing A, 3E, K, N and 2R

ANTIMARKETEERantimarketeer n. Alternative form of anti-marketeer.
anti-marketeer n. (Britain, dated) someone who was opposed to Britain joining the "Common Market" (European Union).
ANTIMARKETEER n. a person who was opposed to the United Kingdom joining the European Union.
ANTIMARKETEERSantimarketeers n. Plural of antimarketeer.
anti-marketeers n. Plural of anti-marketeer.
ANTIMARKETEER n. a person who was opposed to the United Kingdom joining the European Union.
BROKENHEARTEDbrokenhearted adj. Grieved and disappointed, especially with the loss of a beloved person or thing, such as the repudiation…
broken-hearted adj. Alternative spelling of brokenhearted Feeling depressed, despondent, or hopeless, especially over losing a love.
broken␣hearted adj. (Of a person) that has a broken heart.
BROKENHEARTEDLYbrokenheartedly adv. In a brokenhearted manner.
broken-heartedly adv. Alternative form of brokenheartedly.
BROKENHEARTED adv. greatly depressed or hurt.
GREENBACKERgreenbacker n. Alternative form of Greenbacker.
Greenbacker n. (Historical, US) A member of the Greenback Party, who supported greenback or paper money, and opposed…
GREENBACKER n. a member of a post-Civil War American political party opposing reduction in the amount of paper money in circulation.
GREENBACKERSgreenbackers n. Plural of greenbacker.
Greenbackers n. Plural of Greenbacker.
GREENBACKER n. a member of a post-Civil War American political party opposing reduction in the amount of paper money in circulation.
HEARKENERhearkener n. One who hearkens; a listener.
HEARKENER n. one who hearkens, also HARKENER.
HEARKENERShearkeners n. Plural of hearkener.
HEARKENER n. one who hearkens, also HARKENER.
HEARTBROKENNESSheartbrokenness n. The state or quality of being heartbroken.
HEARTBROKEN n. having a broken heart.
KINDERGARTENERkindergartener n. (Less common) Alternative form of kindergartner.
KINDERGARTENER n. a teacher at a kindergarten, also KINDERGARTNER.
KINDERGARTENERSkindergarteners n. Plural of kindergartener.
KINDERGARTENER n. a teacher at a kindergarten, also KINDERGARTNER.
PREKINDERGARTENprekindergarten adj. Before kindergarten, or not yet old enough to attend it.
prekindergarten n. (US) The first formal academic learning environment for children, before kindergarten.
PREKINDERGARTEN n. a nursery school.
RACKETEERINGracketeering n. The criminal action of being involved in a racket.
racketeering v. Present participle of racketeer.
RACKETEERING n. running a protection racket.
RACKETEERINGSracketeerings n. Plural of racketeering.
RACKETEERING n. running a protection racket.
REMARKABLENESSremarkableness n. The state of being remarkable or striking; extraordinariness; unusualness.
REMARKABLENESS n. the state of being remarkable.
STONEBREAKERstonebreaker n. A machine for crushing or hammering stone.
STONEBREAKER n. a person that breaks up stone; a machine used to break up stone.
STONEBREAKERSstonebreakers n. Plural of stonebreaker.
STONEBREAKER n. a person that breaks up stone; a machine used to break up stone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 586 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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