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There are 19 words containing A, 3E, K, N, P and S

GREENSPEAKgreenspeak n. A form of language used for discussing environmental and ecological issues.
GREENSPEAK n. (US) ecological jargon.
PEAKEDNESSpeakedness n. (Chiefly in combination) The condition of having a (specified form of) peak.
peakedness n. (Statistics) kurtosis (archaic).
PEAKEDNESS n. the state of being peaked.
SPEAKERINEspeakerine n. (Dated) A female speaker.
SPEAKERINE n. a female announcer or programme hostess.
GREENSPEAKSGREENSPEAK n. (US) ecological jargon.
KNEECAPPERSkneecappers n. Plural of kneecapper.
PEAKINESSESPEAKINESS n. the state of being peaky, somewhat unwell.
SAFEKEEPINGsafekeeping n. The act of keeping something safe; protection from harm, damage, loss, or theft.
safekeeping n. The storage of assets in a protected area.
safekeeping n. The responsibility of a guardian.
SPEAKERINESspeakerines n. Plural of speakerine.
SPEAKERINE n. a female announcer or programme hostess.
ENKEPHALINESenkephalines n. Plural of enkephaline.
ENKEPHALINE n. a chemical found in small quantities in the brain, which relieves pain, also ENCEPHALIN, ENCEPHALINE, ENKEPHALIN.
GAMEKEEPINGSGAMEKEEPING n. the job of a gamekeeper.
GATEKEEPINGSGATEKEEPING n. the practice of controlling access to information, advanced levels of study, elite sections of society, etc.
PEAKEDNESSESpeakednesses n. Plural of peakedness.
PEAKEDNESS n. the state of being peaked.
SAFEKEEPINGSsafekeepings n. Plural of safekeeping.
SAFEKEEPING n. the act of preserving in safety.
SPEAKERPHONEspeakerphone n. A telephone with a microphone and loudspeaker separate from those in the handset.
speakerphone n. A loudspeaker on a telephone that broadcasts the sound, to use handsfree.
SPEAKERPHONE n. a combination microphone and loudspeaker device for two-way communication by telephone lines.
PEACEKEEPINGSpeacekeepings n. Plural of peacekeeping.
PEACEKEEPING n. the preserving of peace.
SPEAKERPHONESspeakerphones n. Plural of speakerphone.
SPEAKERPHONE n. a combination microphone and loudspeaker device for two-way communication by telephone lines.
KINESITHERAPIESkinesitherapies n. Plural of kinesitherapy.
KINESITHERAPY n. a method of treating disease by means of exercises or gymnastic movements, aka kinesiatrics.
SKEPTICALNESSESSKEPTICALNESS n. the state of being skeptical.
UNSPEAKABLENESSunspeakableness n. The condition or quality of being unspeakable.
UNSPEAKABLENESS n. the state of being unspeakable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 437 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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