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There are 15 words containing A, 4E, I, L and P

PIECEMEALEDpiecemealed adj. Divided into pieces.
PIECEMEAL v. to divide or distribute piecemeal.
EPEXEGETICALepexegetical adj. Relating to epexegesis.
EPEXEGETICAL adj. providing additional explanation or clarification, also EPEXEGETIC.
SEMIPERMEABLEsemipermeable adj. Permeable to some things and not to others, as a cell membrane which allows some molecules through but…
SEMIPERMEABLE adj. partially but not freely or wholly permeable.
EPEXEGETICALLYepexegetically adv. In an epexegetic manner.
EPEXEGETICAL adv. providing additional explanation or clarification, also EPEXEGETIC.
EPHEMERALITIESephemeralities n. Plural of ephemerality.
EPHEMERALITY n. the state of being ephemeral.
EXPERIENCEABLEexperienceable adj. Capable of being experienced.
EXPERIENCEABLE adj. that can be experienced.
ENTREPRENEURIALentrepreneurial adj. Having the spirit, attitude or qualities of an entrepreneur; enterprising.
ENTREPRENEURIAL adj. of or like an entrepreneur.
EXEMPLARINESSESEXEMPLARINESS n. the state of being exemplary.
EXPERIMENTALISEexperimentalise v. Alternative form of experimentalize.
EXPERIMENTALISE v. to rely on experiment, also EXPERIMENTALIZE.
EXPERIMENTALIZEexperimentalize v. (Transitive) To make experiments upon.
experimentalize v. (Intransitive) To experiment.
EXPERIMENTALIZE v. to rely on experiment, also EXPERIMENTALISE.
IMPERMEABLENESSimpermeableness n. Impermeability.
IMPERMEABLE n. that cannot be permeated.
INTERPENETRABLEinterpenetrable adj. That can be interpenetrated.
INTERPENETRABLE adj. able to be interpenetrated.
PREDETERMINABLEpredeterminable adj. That can be predetermined.
PREDETERMINABLE adj. able to be predetermined.
PREEXPERIMENTALpreexperimental adj. Prior to an experiment.
SPELEOTHERAPIESSPELEOTHERAPY n. an alternative or complementary method of therapy for treating asthma and other respiratory diseases, involving periods spent underground in a salt mine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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