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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, E, O, P, R, S and 2T

ATTERCOPSattercops n. Plural of attercop.
ATTERCOP n. (Old English) a spider, also ETHERCAP, ETTERCAP.
OPERETTASoperettas n. Plural of operetta.
OPERETTA n. (Italian) a light musical drama with dialogue.
PASTORATEpastorate n. The role or responsibilities of a pastor.
pastorate n. The period of service of a particular pastor to their congregation; their term of office.
pastorate n. An organization or body consisting of multiple pastors.
PATENTORSpatentors n. Plural of patentor.
PATENTOR n. one who grants a patent.
POETASTERpoetaster n. An unskilled poet.
POETASTER n. an inferior poet.
POETASTRYpoetastry n. The works of a poetaster; inferior poetry.
POETASTRY n. the writing of inferior verse, also POETASTERY.
PROSTATESprostates n. Plural of prostate.
PROSTATE n. a gland in males at the neck of the bladder, which releases a liquid that forms part of semen.
PROSTRATEprostrate adj. Lying flat, face-down.
prostrate adj. (Figuratively) Emotionally devastated.
prostrate adj. Physically incapacitated from environmental exposure or debilitating disease.
SCARPETTOSCARPETTO n. (Italian) a climbing shoe with a hemp sole.
SPECTATORspectator n. One who watches an event; especially, an event held outdoors.
SPECTATOR n. an onlooker.
TETRAPODStetrapods n. Plural of tetrapod.
TETRAPOD n. a four-footed animal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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