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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, N, O, S and 2T

ANTIDOTESantidotes n. Plural of antidote.
ANTIDOTE v. to counteract poison.
FETATIONSfetations n. Plural of fetation.
FETATION n. the development of a fetus, also FOETATION.
GESTATIONgestation n. The period of time during which an animal or human offspring physically develops inside the mother’s…
gestation n. The process of development of a plan or idea.
GESTATION n. the process of gestating, bearing in the womb.
INTONATESintonates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intonate.
INTONATE v. to modulate the voice.
OBSTINATEobstinate adj. Stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually with implied unreasonableness; persistent.
obstinate adj. (Of inanimate things) Not easily subdued or removed.
obstinate adj. (Of a facial feature) Typical of an obstinate person; fixed and unmoving.
RESTATIONrestation v. (Transitive) To assign (military personnel) to a different area.
RESTATION v. to station again.
SEPTATIONseptation n. The division of a cavity by means of a partition.
septation n. (Biology) The development of a septum.
SEPTATION n. the state of being septate, partitioned by a septum.
STATIONEDstationed v. Simple past tense and past participle of station.
STATION v. to assign to a position.
STATIONERstationer n. A person or business that sells stationery.
STATIONER n. one who sells stationery.
TACONITEStaconites n. Plural of taconite.
TACONITE n. a low-grade iron ore.
TANTONIEStantonies n. Plural of tantony.
TANTONY n. the smallest pig in a litter.
TESTATIONtestation n. The action of a testator in disposing of property by a will.
TESTATION n. a witnessing or witness.
THIONATESthionates n. Plural of thionate.
THIONATE n. a sulphur compound.
TONALITEStonalites n. Plural of tonalite.
TONALITE n. a coarse rock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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