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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, L, N, O, R and T

ALIENATORalienator n. A person who alienates.
ALIENATOR n. one who alienates.
CLARIONETclarionet n. A clarinet.
CLARIONET n. (archaic) a clarinet, also CLARINET.
CROTALINEcrotaline adj. (Zoology) Resembling, or relating to, the Crotalinae, or rattlesnake subfamily.
crotaline n. Any snake of the subfamily Crotalinae.
CROTALINE adj. of or pertaining to rattlesnakes.
INTERLOANinterloan n. A loan of an item between libraries or similar institutions.
INTERLOAN n. a loan between one library and another.
MENTORIALmentorial adj. Of or relating to a mentor.
MENTORIAL adj. containing advice or admonition.
NATROLITEnatrolite n. (Mineralogy) A fibrous zeolite mineral, being a sodium aluminosilicate, of the chemical formula Na2
NATROLITE n. a common fibrous zeolite, hydrated sodium aluminium silicate.
ORIENTALSorientals n. Plural of oriental.
Orientals n. Plural of Oriental.
ORIENTAL n. a precious stone, esp. a pearl; an Oriental rug.
OUTLINEARoutlinear adj. Of or pertaining to an outline; being in, or forming, an outline.
OUTLINEAR adj. like an outline.
PRELATIONprelation n. The setting of one above another; preference.
PRELATION n. preferment; promotion; eminence.
RANTIPOLErantipole n. An unruly, rude young person.
rantipole n. A rakish person.
rantipole v. To act like a rantipole.
RATIONALErationale n. An explanation of the basis or fundamental reasons for something.(Can we add an example for this sense?).
rationale n. A justification or rationalization for something.
rationale n. (Rare, religion) A liturgical vestment worn by some Christian bishops of various denominations.
REFLATIONreflation n. (Economics) The act of restoring a deflated general level of prices to a previous or desired level.
REFLATION n. an increase in amount of economic activity and spending.
RELATIONSrelations n. Plural of relation.
RELATION n. an association between people or things.
RODENTIALrodential adj. Characteristic of a rodent.
RODENTIAL adj. relating to Rodentia, the order containing rodents.
SEROTINALserotinal adj. Pertaining to or occurring in late summer.
SEROTINAL adj. flowering in late summer.
TAILERONStailerons n. Plural of taileron.
TAILERON n. either part of a two-piece tailplane whose two halves can operate independently or together.
TENSORIALtensorial adj. (Mathematics) of or pertaining to a tensor.
TENSORIAL adj. relating to a tensor, a muscle that stretches a part, or renders it tense.
TENTORIALtentorial adj. Of or pertaining to the tentorium.
TENTORIAL adj. relating to a tentorium, a fold of the dura mater.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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