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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, L, N, O, R and S

ACROLEINSacroleins n. Plural of acrolein.
ACROLEIN n. a flammable liquid, an aldehyde of allyl alcohol.
ALLERIONSallerions n. Plural of allerion.
ALLERION n. (French) in heraldry, an eagle displayed without feet or beak, also ALERION.
ALMONRIESalmonries n. Plural of almonry.
ALMONRY n. a place where alms are distributed.
CENSORIALcensorial adj. Relating to a censor.
CENSORIAL adj. pertaining to a censor, or to the correction of public morals, also CENSORIAN.
CREOLIANSCreolians n. Plural of Creolian.
CREOLIAN n. a type of mixed language, also CREOLE.
EROSIONALerosional adj. Pertaining to erosion.
EROSIONAL adj. relating or causing erosion.
GERANIOLSgeraniols n. Plural of geraniol.
GERANIOL n. an alcohol forming a constituent of many of the esters used in perfumery, also GERANIAL.
LONICERASloniceras n. Plural of lonicera.
LONICERA n. the honeysuckle.
NONSERIALnonserial adj. Not serial.
nonserial n. A publication that is not a serial.
NONSERIAL n. something that is not a serial.
NORMALISEnormalise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of normalize.
NORMALISE v. to make normal; to bring within or cause to conform to normal standards or limits, also NORMALIZE.
ORIENTALSorientals n. Plural of oriental.
Orientals n. Plural of Oriental.
ORIENTAL n. a precious stone, esp. a pearl; an Oriental rug.
REGIONALSregionals n. Plural of regional.
REGIONAL n. something that serves as a region.
RELATIONSrelations n. Plural of relation.
RELATION n. an association between people or things.
SALMONIERSALMONY adj. of or like a salmon.
SEIGNORALseignoral adj. Alternative form of seignorial.
SEIGNORAL adj. related to a seignior, also SEIGNIORIAL, SEIGNORIAL.
SENSORIALsensorial adj. Of or pertaining to sensation or the senses; sensory.
SENSORIAL adj. related to the sensorium.
SEROTINALserotinal adj. Pertaining to or occurring in late summer.
SEROTINAL adj. flowering in late summer.
TAILERONStailerons n. Plural of taileron.
TAILERON n. either part of a two-piece tailplane whose two halves can operate independently or together.
TENSORIALtensorial adj. (Mathematics) of or pertaining to a tensor.
TENSORIAL adj. relating to a tensor, a muscle that stretches a part, or renders it tense.
VERSIONALversional adj. Of or pertaining to versions.
VERSIONAL adj. relating to a version.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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