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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, E, 2I, 2N, R and T

CARNITINEcarnitine n. (Organic chemistry) A betaine, 3-hydroxy-4-trimethylammonio-butanoate, that is found in the liver and…
CARNITINE n. a betaine in meat.
INCERTAINincertain adj. (Obsolete) Not certain, uncertain.
INCERTAIN adj. (obsolete) uncertain; doubtful, also UNCERTAIN.
INEBRIANTinebriant n. An intoxicating agent.
inebriant adj. Intoxicating; inebriating.
INEBRIANT n. something that inebriates.
ITINERANTitinerant adj. Habitually travelling from place to place.
itinerant n. One who travels from place to place.
itinerant n. (Ireland) A member of the Travelling Community, whether settled or not.
NITRAMINEnitramine n. (Chemistry) Any amine having a nitro group substituted for a hydrogen atom; an amide of nitric acid…
NITRAMINE n. a yellow crystalline explosive, aka tetryl.
NITRATINEnitratine n. (Mineralogy) A trigonal-hexagonal scalenohedral mineral form of sodium nitrate.
NITRATINE n. a mineral occurring in transparent crystals, native sodium nitrate.
RETAININGretaining adj. Of or pertaining to something that retains something else, as with a retaining wall.
retaining v. Present participle of retain.
retaining n. The act by which something or someone is retained; a retention.
TRIENNIALtriennial adj. Happening every three years.
triennial adj. Lasting for three years.
triennial n. A third anniversary.
URANINITEuraninite n. (Mineralogy) Any of several brownish-black forms of uranium dioxide, UO2, (especially pitchblende) that…
URANINITE n. uranium dioxide, the major ore of uranium, found most frequently in botryoidal form as pitchblende.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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