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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, E, G, I, 2N, R and S

ANGRINESSangriness n. The state of being angry.
ANGRINESS n. the quality of being angry, or of being inclined to anger.
ANSWERINGanswering v. Present participle of answer.
answering n. The act of giving an answer.
ANSWER v. to say, write, or act in return.
ARGININESarginines n. Plural of arginine.
ARGININE n. one of the essential amino acids.
ENSEARINGensearing v. Present participle of ensear.
ENSEAR v. (Shakespeare) to dry up.
ENSNARINGensnaring v. Present participle of ensnare.
ensnaring adj. That ensnares or traps.
ENSNARE v. to trap, also INSNARE.
GANNISTERgannister n. Alternative form of ganister.
GANNISTER n. a flintlike rock used for lining Bessemer converters and for surfacing roads, also GANISTER.
LEARNINGSlearnings n. (Proscribed) plural of learning.
LEARNING n. acquired knowledge.
RANGINESSranginess n. The state of being rangy.
RANGINESS n. the state of being rangy.
RAVENINGSravenings n. Plural of ravening.
RAVENING n. the act of ravening.
REASONINGreasoning n. (Uncountable) The deduction of inferences or interpretations from premises, abstract thought, ratiocination;…
reasoning n. (Countable) A Rastafari meeting held for the purposes of chanting, prayer and discussion.
reasoning v. Present participle of reason.
YEARNINGSyearnings n. Plural of yearning.
YEARNING n. a strong or deep desire.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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