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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, E, F, G, I, N, R and T

AFTERINGSafterings n. The last milk that is obtained when milking a cow. Often considered the poorest quality of milk.
afterings n. (By extension) The last of any substance that is of a poorer quality than the earlier substance, e.g…
AFTERINGS n. the last milk drawn when milking a cow.
FALTERINGfaltering adj. Hesitant, halting.
faltering v. Present participle of falter.
faltering n. Hesitancy.
FATHERINGfathering v. Present participle of father.
FATHERING n. the male act of procreating.
FEATURINGfeaturing v. Present participle of feature.
featuring n. (Rap music) A cameo on another performer’s track.
FEATURE v. to present prominently.
FIGURANTEfigurante n. A female figurant, especially a ballet dancer.
FIGURANTE n. (Italian) a ballet-dancer, one of those who form a background for the solo dancer, also FIGURANT.
INGRAFTEDingrafted v. Simple past tense and past participle of ingraft.
INGRAFT v. (Shakespeare) to graft for propagation, also ENGRAFT.
RAFTERINGraftering v. Present participle of rafter.
raftering n. (UK) The practice by which land is raftered (turning the grass side of each furrow upon an unploughed ridge).
raftering n. The set of rafters (sloped beams) of a building or similar construction.
REFLATINGreflating v. Present participle of reflate.
REFLATE v. to inflate again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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