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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, I, P, R, T and V

APERITIVEaperitive adj. (Medicine) Tending to open the bowels; aperient.
aperitive adj. Serving as an apéritif: a pre-meal alcoholic drink.
aperitive n. (Medicine) aperient.
EVAPORITEevaporite n. The salty, crusty sediment that remains after sea water evaporates.
EVAPORITE n. a sedimentary rock formed by the evaporation of salt water e.g. halite.
OPERATIVEoperative adj. Effectual or important.
operative adj. Functional, in working order.
operative adj. Having the power of acting; hence, exerting force, physical or moral; active in the production of effects.
PERVIATEDPERVIATE v. to make a way through.
PERVIATESPERVIATE v. to make a way through.
PRECATIVEprecative adj. Resembling or pertaining to an entreaty.
precative n. (Grammar) Mode expressing a wish, a prayer.
PRECATIVE adj. supplicating; expressing entreaty.
PREDATIVEpredative adj. Of, or resembling a predator.
PREDATIVE adj. relating to predation.
PRIVATEERprivateer n. (Historical) A privately owned warship that acted under a letter of marque to attack enemy ships and…
privateer n. (Historical) An officer or any other member of the crew of such a ship; a government-sanctioned pirate.
privateer n. An advocate or beneficiary of privatization of a government service or activity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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