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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, I, L, P, R and S

ESPALIERSespaliers n. Plural of espalier.
espaliers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of espalier.
ESPALIER v. to train a tree to grow on a lattice.
PEARLIESTpearliest adj. Superlative form of pearly: most pearly.
PEARLY adj. like a pearl.
PEARLISEDpearlised adj. Alternative spelling of pearlized.
PEARLISED adj. treated so as to give a pearly or lustrous surface, also PEARLIZED.
PEARLITESpearlites n. Plural of pearlite.
PEARLITE n. ferrite and cementite showing distinct bands.
PEDALIERSPEDALIER n. the pedal keyboard of an organ.
PEDLARIESpedlaries n. Plural of pedlary.
PEDLARY n. the trade of a peddler, also PEDDLERY, PEDLERY.
PERICLASEpericlase n. (Mineralogy) A cubic crystalline form of magnesium oxide (MgO).
PERICLASE n. a naturally occurring magnesium oxide.
PLENARIESplenaries n. Plural of plenary.
PLENARY n. a book of gospels or epistles read at the Eucharist.
PRELACIESprelacies n. Plural of prelacy.
PRELACY n. the office of a prelate, also PRELATY.
PRELATIESPRELATY n. the office of a prelate, also PRELACY.
PRELATISEprelatise v. Alternative form of prelatize.
PRELATISE v. to bring under the influence of the prelacy, also PRELATIZE.
REAPPLIESreapplies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reapply.
REAPPLY v. to apply again.
REPLICASEreplicase n. An enzyme that catalyses the replication of a single-stranded RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecule.
REPLICASE n. a polymerase involved in synthesis of RNA.
SHAPELIERshapelier adj. Comparative form of shapely: more shapely.
SHAPELY adj. having a pleasing shape.
SPEARLIKEspearlike adj. Resembling a spear.
SPEARLIKE adj. like a spear.
SPECIALERspecialer adj. Comparative form of special: more special.
specialer n. A nurse or aide assigned to provide one-on-one observation of a patient.
SPECIAL adj. particular.
SPREKELIASprekelia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Amaryllidaceae – Aztec lily, Jacobean lily.
SPREKELIA n. a bulbous plant grown for its striking crimson or white pendent flowers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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