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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, I, L, N, R and T

ELATERINSelaterins n. Plural of elaterin.
ELATERIN n. a purgative produced from elaterium, a substance found in the juice of the squirting cucumber.
ENTAILERSentailers n. Plural of entailer.
ENTAILER n. one who entails (an estate).
ENTRAILEDentrailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of entrail.
ENTRAIL v. (Spenser) to interlace or entwine.
EVITERNALeviternal adj. (Obsolete) eternal; everlasting.
EVITERNAL adj. eternal.
INTERDEALinterdeal n. (Obsolete) Intercourse, negotiation; traffic.
interdeal v. (Obsolete) To carry on intrigues.
INTERDEAL v. (archaic) to intrigue, also ENTERDEALE.
INTERLACEinterlace n. (Visual arts) A decorative element found especially in early medieval art.
interlace n. (Electronics) A technique of improving the picture quality of a video signal primarily on CRT devices…
interlace v. (Transitive) To cross one with another.
INTERLEAFinterleaf n. A leaf, often of tissue paper or other thin paper, inserted between the pages of a book to protect illustrations.
interleaf n. A sheet of paper or cardboard, placed between layers on a pallet to create a cohesive structure.
interleaf v. Same as interleave.
INTERMALEintermale adj. Between males.
INTERMALE adj. between males.
INTERVALEintervale n. An alluvial terrace or plain.
INTERVALE n. a low level tract of land, esp. along a river.
LACERTINElacertine adj. Lizard-like; lacertian.
lacertine n. A lizard-like creature.
LACERTINE n. a member of the lizard family, also LACERTIAN.
NEARLIESTnearliest adv. (Archaic) superlative form of nearly: most nearly; most closely.
NEARLY adv. almost.
RECLINATEreclinate adj. (Botany) Reclined, as a leaf; bent downward, so that the point, as of a stem or leaf, is lower than the base.
RECLINATE adj. bent down or back.
REINFLATEreinflate v. To inflate or fill with air again.
REINFLATE v. to inflate again.
RETINULAEretinulae n. Plural of retinula.
RETINULA n. (Latin) a neural receptor of an arthropod's eye.
TAILENDERtailender n. (Cricket) One of the last four or five batsmen in the batting order, normally bowlers with limited batting…
tail-ender n. Alternative form of tailender.
TAILENDER n. someone coming at the end, esp. in cricket.
TREENAILStreenails n. Plural of treenail.
TREENAIL n. a wooden peg used to fasten timber, also TRENAIL, TRUNNEL.
WATERLINEwaterline n. (Nautical) A line formed by the surface of the water on the hull of a ship when she is afloat; any of…
waterline n. (Aviation) A horizontal line indicating the shape of an airfoil.
waterline n. A line showing where the water has been, usually a line separating dry land and wet areas; a watermark or tidemark.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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