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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 16 fifteen-letter words containing A, E, L, 2M, 2S and T

ACCOMPLISHMENTSaccomplishments n. Plural of accomplishment.
ACCOMPLISHMENT n. the act of accomplishing.
FUNDAMENTALISMSfundamentalisms n. Plural of fundamentalism.
FUNDAMENTALISM n. a movement in 20th century Protestantism emphasizing the literally interpreted Bible as fundamental to Christian life and teaching.
GRAMMATICALNESSgrammaticalness n. (Of language) The state or attribute of obeying the rules of grammar; grammatical correctness.
GRAMMATICAL n. belonging to, or according to the rules of, grammar, also GRAMMATIC.
HOLOMETABOLISMSHOLOMETABOLISM n. of an insect, complete metabolism.
INCREMENTALISMSincrementalisms n. Plural of incrementalism.
INCREMENTALISM n. a policy or advocacy of a policy of political or social change by degrees.
INSTRUMENTALISMinstrumentalism n. (Philosophy) In the philosophy of science, the view that concepts and theories are merely useful instruments…
INSTRUMENTALISM n. doctrine that ideas are instruments of action.
MARSHMALLOWIESTMARSHMALLOWY adj. of or like marshmallow.
MATERFAMILIASESmaterfamiliases n. Plural of materfamilias.
MATERFAMILIAS n. (Latin) the mother or female head of the family.
NUMISMATOLOGIESNUMISMATOLOGY n. the study or collection of coins and medals.
PALEOMAGNETISMSpaleomagnetisms n. Plural of paleomagnetism.
PALEOMAGNETISM n. the study of the Earth's past magnetism as it is recorded in the rocks.
SACRAMENTALISMSsacramentalisms n. Plural of sacramentalism.
SACRAMENTALISM n. belief in or use of sacramental rites, acts, or objects.
SENTIMENTALISMSsentimentalisms n. Plural of sentimentalism.
SENTIMENTALISM n. the disposition to favor or indulge in sentimentality.
STALAGMOMETRIESSTALAGMOMETRY n. measurement of surface tension by drops.
SYMMETRICALNESSsymmetricalness n. The quality of being symmetrical.
SYMMETRICALNESS n. the state of being symmetrical.
ULTRAMODERNISMSultramodernisms n. Plural of ultramodernism.
ULTRAMODERNISM n. an artistic movement beyond modernism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 50 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 63 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 42 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 21 words

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