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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing A, E, G, L, M, P, S and T

CLIMATOGRAPHIESclimatographies n. Plural of climatography.
CLIMATOGRAPHY n. a description of climates.
DERMATOGLYPHICSdermatoglyphics n. The patterns of loops, arches and whorls on the skin of the fingers and feet.
dermatoglyphics n. The study of such patterns.
DERMATOGLYPHIC n. a ridge pattern of skin on the inner surface of the hands and feet.
EPISTEMOLOGICALepistemological adj. Of or pertaining to epistemology or theory of knowledge, as a field of study.
epistemological adj. Of or pertaining to knowing or cognizing, as a mental activity.
EPISTEMOLOGICAL adj. relating to epistemology.
METALLOGRAPHERSmetallographers n. Plural of metallographer.
METALLOGRAPHER n. one who practises metallography.
METALLOGRAPHIESmetallographies n. Plural of metallography.
METALLOGRAPHY n. the study of the structure and constitution of metals.
METALLOGRAPHISTmetallographist n. (Dated) One who writes on the subject of metals.
METALLOGRAPHIST n. one who practises metallography.
OPHTHALMOLOGIESophthalmologies n. Plural of ophthalmology.
OPHTHALMOLOGY n. the study of eye and its diseases.
PALAEOMAGNETISMpalaeomagnetism n. Alternative spelling of paleomagnetism.
PALAEOMAGNETISM n. a study of the magnetism of ancient rocks and fossils, and of bricks, pottery, etc. made in past ages.
PALAEOMAGNETISTpalaeomagnetist n. Alternative spelling of paleomagnetist.
PALAEOMAGNETIST n. a student of or expert in palaeomagnetism.
PALEOMAGNETISMSpaleomagnetisms n. Plural of paleomagnetism.
PALEOMAGNETISM n. the study of the Earth's past magnetism as it is recorded in the rocks.
PALEOMAGNETISTSpaleomagnetists n. Plural of paleomagnetist.
PALEOMAGNETIST n. a student of paleomagnetism.
PAMPHLETEERINGSPAMPHLETEERING n. the writing and/or distribution of pamphlets.
PLETHYSMOGRAPHSplethysmographs n. Plural of plethysmograph.
PLETHYSMOGRAPH n. an instrument for measuring change in body part size due to blood flow.
PLETHYSMOGRAPHYplethysmography n. (Medicine) The diagnostic use of a plethysmograph.
PLETHYSMOGRAPHY n. measurement by use of a plethysmograph, an instrument for measuring change in body part size due to blood flow.
PNEUMATOLOGISTSpneumatologists n. Plural of pneumatologist.
PNEUMATOLOGIST n. a specialist in pneumatology.
PRAGMATICALNESSpragmaticalness n. The quality or state of being pragmatical.
PRAGMATICALNESS n. the state of being pragmatical.
SALPINGECTOMIESsalpingectomies n. Plural of salpingectomy.
SALPINGECTOMY n. surgical removal of the salpinx.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 90 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 24 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 30 words

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