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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing A, 2E, H, 2L, O and P

EPIPHENOMENALLYepiphenomenally adv. In an epiphenomenal manner.
EPIPHENOMENAL adv. of or relating to an epiphenomenon.
HYPERCOAGULABLEhypercoagulable adj. (Of blood) Having an increased tendency to clot.
HYPERCOAGULABLE adj. excessively coagulable.
LISSENCEPHALOUSlissencephalous adj. Exhibiting or relating to lissencephaly.
LISSENCEPHALOUS adj. with smooth cerebral hemispheres.
MEGALOCEPHALIESMEGALOCEPHALY n. the condition of having an unusually large head or cranial capacity, also MEGACEPHALY.
MEGALOCEPHALOUSmegalocephalous adj. Macrencephalic.
MEGALOCEPHALOUS adj. having an unusually large skull, also MEGACEPHALIC, MEGALOCEPHALIC.
METALLOGRAPHERSmetallographers n. Plural of metallographer.
METALLOGRAPHER n. one who practises metallography.
METALLOGRAPHIESmetallographies n. Plural of metallography.
METALLOGRAPHY n. the study of the structure and constitution of metals.
MYELENCEPHALONSMYELENCEPHALON n. the posterior part of the developing vertebrate hindbrain or the corresponding part of the adult brain composed of the medulla oblongata.
PALAEOETHNOLOGYpalaeoethnology n. Alternative form of paleoethnology.
PALAEOETHNOLOGY n. the science of early man.
PETROCHEMICALLYpetrochemically adv. By petrochemical means.
PETROCHEMICAL adv. of or relating to chemicals obtained from petroleum.
PHENOLPHTHALEINphenolphthalein n. (Chemistry, pharmacology) A white or yellowish-white crystalline compound C20H14O4 used in medicine…
phenol␣phthalein n. (Chemistry) A white or yellowish-white crystalline substance made from phthalic acid and phenol. Its…
PHENOLPHTHALEIN n. a crystalline compound used as an indicator.
PHOTOELECTRICALphotoelectrical adj. Photoelectric.
PHOTOELECTRICAL adj. relating to photoelectricity, also PHOTOELECTRIC.
PHYTOFLAGELLATEphytoflagellate n. Any dinoflagellate of the class Phytomastigophorea.
PHYTOFLAGELLATE n. any of various organisms (as dinoflagellates) that have many characteristics in common with typical algae.
PLAGIOCEPHALIESplagiocephalies n. Plural of plagiocephaly.
PLAGIOCEPHALY n. a twisted condition of the head, the front of the skull being larger on one side, the back larger on the other.
PLAINCLOTHESMENplainclothesmen n. Plural of plainclothesman.
plainclothes␣men n. Plural of plainclothes man.
PLAINCLOTHESMAN n. a plainclothes police officer.
POLYPHLOESBOEANpolyphloesboean adj. (Poetic) Loudly roaring; used to describe the ocean.
SELENOGRAPHICALselenographical adj. Alternative form of selenographic.
SELENOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to selenography, the mapping of the moon, also SELENOGRAPHIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 140 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 11 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 29 words

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