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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing A, E, 2O, S and 3T

ETHNOBOTANISTSethnobotanists n. Plural of ethnobotanist.
ETHNOBOTANIST n. a student of ethnobotany.
GHETTOIZATIONSghettoizations n. Plural of ghettoization.
GHETTOIZATION n. the process of ghettoizing, also GHETTOISATION.
OSTENTATIOUSLYostentatiously adv. In an ostentatious manner; extravagantly or flamboyantly.
OSTENTATIOUS adv. marked by conspicuous display.
OSTEOARTHRITICosteoarthritic adj. Affected with osteoarthritis.
osteoarthritic n. One who has osteoarthritis.
OSTEOARTHRITIC adj. suffering from osteoarthritis.
OSTEOARTHRITISosteoarthritis n. (Pathology) A form of arthritis, affecting mainly older people, caused by chronic degeneration of the…
OSTEOARTHRITIS n. arthritis marked by degeneration of the cartilage and bone of joints.
OVERATTENTIONSoverattentions n. Plural of overattention.
OVERATTENTION n. excessive attention.
PHOTOSYNTHATESphotosynthates n. Plural of photosynthate.
PHOTOSYNTHATE n. a product of photosynthesis.
POSTDOCTORATESpostdoctorates n. Plural of postdoctorate.
POSTDOCTORATE n. a degree after a doctorate.
POSTMASTECTOMYpostmastectomy adj. After a mastectomy.
POSTMASTECTOMY adj. taking place after a mastectomy.
RESTORATIONISTrestorationist n. A supporter of restorationism, one who seeks to restore things to the way it was.
restorationist n. (Religion) One who believes in a temporary future punishment and a final restoration of all to the favour…
RESTORATIONIST n. a believer in restorationism.
TELEPORTATIONSteleportations n. Plural of teleportation.
TELEPORTATION n. the act of moving an object or person by psychokinesis.
TETRACHOTOMIEStetrachotomies n. Plural of tetrachotomy.
TETRACHOTOMY n. division in fours.
TETRACHOTOMOUStetrachotomous adj. Dividing or branching into four equal pieces.
TETRACHOTOMOUS adj. divided into fours.
TOLERATIONISTStolerationists n. Plural of tolerationist.
TOLERATIONIST n. a believer in tolerationism.
UNOSTENTATIOUSunostentatious adj. Not ostentatious; simple; unpresuming.
UNOSTENTATIOUS adj. not ostentatious.
UTEROGESTATIONuterogestation n. Gestation in the womb from conception to birth; pregnancy.
UTEROGESTATION n. gestation in the womb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 144 words
  • Scrabble in French: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 158 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 48 words

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