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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing A, E, I, 2N, R, U and V

ANTISUBVERSIONantisubversion adj. Opposing or countering political subversion.
ANTISUBVERSION adj. opposed to subversion.
ANTIUNIVERSITYantiuniversity adj. Opposing a university or universities in general.
ANTIUNIVERSITY adj. opposed to university.
AVERRUNCATIONSaverruncations n. Plural of averruncation.
AVERRUNCATION n. the act of averruncating.
COUNTERVAILINGcountervailing adj. (Formal) Compensating with equal force.
countervailing v. Present participle of countervail.
COUNTERVAIL v. to counterbalance, neutralise.
MISGOVERNAUNCEmisgovernaunce n. Obsolete form of misgovernance.
MISGOVERNAUNCE n. (Spenser) misgovernment, also MISGOVERNANCE.
NONBEHAVIOURALnonbehavioural adj. Alternative spelling of nonbehavioral.
NONBEHAVIOURAL adj. not behavioural, also NONBEHAVIORAL.
NONVOLUNTARIESSorry, definition not available.
ONCORNAVIRUSESoncornaviruses n. Plural of oncornavirus.
ONCORNAVIRUS n. an oncogenic RNA virus.
OUTMANEUVERINGoutmaneuvering v. Present participle of outmaneuver.
OUTMANEUVER v. to surpass in maneuvering, also OUTMANOEUVRE.
OUTMANOEUVRINGoutmanoeuvring v. Present participle of outmanoeuvre.
outmanœuvring v. Present participle of outmanœuvre.
OUTMANOEUVRE v. to surpass in manoeuvring, also OUTMANEUVER.
UNAPPREHENSIVEunapprehensive adj. Not apprehending.
UNAPPREHENSIVE adj. not apprehensive.
UNDERACHIEVINGunderachieving v. Present participle of underachieve.
UNDERACHIEVE v. to achieve less than one's potential.
UNDERVALUATIONundervaluation n. The act of undervaluing, of assigning too low a value to something.
undervaluation n. An assigned value that is inappropriately low.
UNDERVALUATION n. the act of undervaluing.
UNIVERSALISINGuniversalising v. Present participle of universalise.
UNIVERSALISE v. to make universal, also UNIVERSALIZE.
UNIVERSALIZINGuniversalizing v. Present participle of universalize.
UNIVERSALIZE v. to make universal, also UNIVERSALISE.
UNIVERSITARIANuniversitarian adj. (Formal) Belonging or relating to, or found or gained in, a university.
universitarian n. (Formal) One who attends a university.
UNIVERSITARIAN adj. belonging to a university.
UNREMUNERATIVEunremunerative adj. Not remunerative.
UNREMUNERATIVE adj. not remunerative.
UNSAVORINESSESUNSAVORINESS n. the state of being unsavory.
VALETUDINARIANvaletudinarian adj. Sickly, infirm, of ailing health.
valetudinarian adj. Being overly worried about one’s health.
valetudinarian n. A person in poor health or sickly, especially one who is constantly obsessed with their state of health.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 108 words
  • Scrabble in French: 48 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 53 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 48 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 50 words

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