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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing A, E, 2I, 2S, T and X

ANNEXATIONISMSANNEXATIONISM n. the policy of annexation.
ANNEXATIONISTSannexationists n. Plural of annexationist.
ANNEXATIONIST n. a supporter of annexation.
DEOXIDISATIONSdeoxidisations n. Plural of deoxidisation.
DEOXIDISATION n. the process of deoxidising, also DEOXIDIZATION.
DISINTOXICATESdisintoxicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disintoxicate.
DISINTOXICATE v. to detoxify.
EXHAUSTIVITIESexhaustivities n. Plural of exhaustivity.
EXHAUSTIVITY n. the state of being exhaustive.
EXISTENTIALISMexistentialism n. (Philosophy, not countable) A twentieth-century philosophical movement emphasizing the uniqueness of…
existentialism n. (Philosophy, countable) The philosophical views of a particular thinker associated with the existentialist movement.
EXISTENTIALISM n. the doctrine of individual human responsibility in an unfathomable universe.
EXISTENTIALISTexistentialist n. A person who adheres to the philosophy of existentialism.
existentialist adj. Of or pertaining to existentialism.
EXISTENTIALIST n. an adherent of existentialism, the doctrine of individual human responsibility in an unfathomable universe.
EXPANSIONISTICexpansionistic adj. Of, or pertaining to expansionism.
EXPANSIONISTIC adj. relating to expansionism.
EXSANGUINITIESEXSANGUINITY n. the state of being exsanguine, without blood.
EXTENSIONALISMextensionalism n. (Philosophy) The belief in extensionality.
EXTENSIONALISM n. the state of being extensional.
EXTINGUISHANTSextinguishants n. Plural of extinguishant.
EXTINGUISHANT n. a substance used to extinguish fires.
EXTRAPOSITIONSextrapositions n. Plural of extraposition.
EXTRAPOSITION n. the act of extraposing.
INTERSEXUALISMintersexualism n. The state of being intersexual.
INTERSEXUALISM n. the state of being intersexual, existing between sexes.
PANSEXUALITIESpansexualities n. Plural of pansexuality.
PANSEXUALITY n. the state of being pansexual.
SEXPLOITATIONSsexploitations n. Plural of sexploitation.
SEXPLOITATION n. the exploitation of sex in the media and esp. in film.
SEXUALISATIONSsexualisations n. Plural of sexualisation.
SEXUALISATION n. the process of sexualising, also SEXUALIZATION.
SEXUALIZATIONSsexualizations n. Plural of sexualization.
SEXUALIZATION n. the process of sexualizing, also SEXUALISATION.
UNISEXUALITIESUNISEXUALITY n. the state of being unisexual.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 46 words
  • Scrabble in French: 43 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 58 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 14 words

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