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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing A, 2E, N, R, S, U and Y

AERENCHYMATOUSaerenchymatous adj. Relating to an aerenchyma.
AERENCHYMATOUS adj. relating to aerenchyma, respiratory tissue.
COMMENSURATELYcommensurately adv. In a commensurate manner; so as to be equal or proportionate.
commensurately adv. With equal measure or extent.
COMMENSURATE adv. corresponding in size, extent, amount, or degree, proportionate.
COUNTERPLAYERScounterplayers n. Plural of counterplayer.
COUNTERPLAYER n. one who makes a counterplay.
DISPURVEYANCESDISPURVEYANCE n. (Spenser) depriving of provisions.
HYPERACUTENESShyperacuteness n. The quality of being hyperacute.
HYPERACUTE n. excessively acute.
HYPERMASCULINEhypermasculine adj. Extremely masculine.
HYPERMASCULINE adj. excessively masculine.
INTERSEXUALITYintersexuality n. The state of having the physical features of both sexes, or of having ambiguous sex, i.e. not unambiguously…
INTERSEXUALITY n. the state of being intersexual.
PERCUTANEOUSLYpercutaneously adv. In a percutaneous way; through the skin.
PERCUTANEOUS adv. done or applied through the skin.
PREMENSTRUALLYpremenstrually adv. Before menstruation or its initial onset.
PREMENSTRUAL adv. taking place before menstruation.
SUBGENERICALLYsubgenerically adv. As a subgenus.
SUBGENERIC adv. of or pertaining to a subgenus.
SUBTERRANEANLYsubterraneanly adv. In a subterranean manner.
SUBTERRANEAN adv. underground.
UNAGGRESSIVELYunaggressively adv. Without aggression.
UNDERSECRETARYundersecretary n. An administrator immediately subordinate to a head of a government department or to a member of a cabinet.
undersecretary n. An assistant or deputy secretary of a government department in the Philippines and some other countries.
Under␣Secretary n. Alternative spelling of undersecretary.
UNPERSUASIVELYunpersuasively adv. In an unpersuasive way.
UNRESTRAINEDLYunrestrainedly adv. In an unrestrained manner.
UNRESTRAINED adv. not restrained.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 105 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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